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How to capitalize on the business parties

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How to capitalize on the business parties?

Business events have the particularity to gather experts in any business or social activities. Have an official character. These activities include exhibitions, conferences, meetings of professional clubs, forums, congresses. The main purpose of business meetings is to discuss professional topics, new products and industry issues, exchange of valuable information, communication experts in their field, the presentation of a wide range of members of its success, the search for customers and partners, as well as the conclusion of agreements and rules of conducting business or activities of the whole industry .

Participants of the business activities tend to be professionals, active workers, the permanent participants of round tables and conferences, heads of associations. To do this, set up special exhibition centers equipped with everything necessary. Schedule of exhibitions is on the year, so the internet you can always find the exhibition, taking place in almost every major city. After the exhibition there are regional and international. Excellent progress in exhibitions - to arrange dinner for their partners, customers and potential customers. Visit exhibitions, depending on the venue from 200 to 5000 people.

Now a few words about the conferences. These are excellent activities on specific topics, which are the speakers on the main problems of the industry, there is discussion of the reports with other participants, are given materials on the reports. At such events rarely meet people who decided to just watch. Most business activities visit leading experts in this field, the leaders and people for whom the theme of the conference is very important. The number of participants also depends on the roomy halls and ranges from 30 to 500 people. Meetings of professional clubs, forums, congresses in fact very similar to the conference, only the subjects discussed at these issues more narrow, and similar events are held to narrow specialists. Number of participants at them from 30 to 1000 people.
Pavila business events

In contrast to the official, the purpose of business activities - addressing specific issues. Visit them interested professionals, so the basic rule of conduct for them is involved. Practicality - another important rule. Necessarily need to have a notebook for notes, business cards and generally have an image of a business person. For these activities, appropriate dress is important - in order to ingratiate itself in a person once, you need to meet certain image. As they say on their looks met ... After the impression is being formed for the first 20 seconds. And you'll never be able to make a first impression twice. So when you visit the business activities need to find out what's the accepted style of dress.

The following rule: Be active and be seen. If you came to the conference, you will need to hold the front ranks, and not sit in the gallery. Make it so that you have seen. Ask questions, when to do this, select the time, try to write useful information, even to just ask a question in the case. If a meeting of a community, you immediately see who is the leader, and apply the technique that I was never let down: "Bey in the head", ie tap one of the leaders of the community and try to make him / her a positive impression. The main issues are decided either leaders or managers, so do not miss. I had a case at a conference "profitable business" when I sat down on the first row, the first speaker asked about the work of his company with the staff, how they recruit, train it? After that, every speaker mentioned the topic in his speech, nodding in my direction.

How to capitalize on the business parties? For example, the exhibition - a great way to find a new job, attract customers, meet with partners, make new business bond. I have three years to go out to the exhibition, which subjects related to power engineering, electrical and automation industry. In many respects they are repeated, but I realized: the more precisely I set myself a goal, the great results achieved. If at first I just watched and tried to do something, now preparing in advance, schedule the goal and ways to achieve it, and then simply act. Generally, it is the "I owe my career, then talk about it. At exhibitions, I met with some of his clients, has got a good relationship with many business partners. Basically it's employees and profzhurnalov internetportalov where I can advertise about themselves and write articles about the problems of personnel work in the area in which the specialist journal.

The best way to find out who is who in the exhibition is to go at it with a professional in this field. For me it was a revelation. During the exhibition, I received advice from my friend who is just looking for a job as Chief Engineer. And he told me about the companies and professionals. I especially liked when he would start it on a professional topic with the company, and then I joined the conversation and sold their services. A very effective way. At the conferences the best way to engage the informal contacts are, of course, coffee-breaks. Better place for informal talks at the first meeting and you can imagine. After listening to the speakers or experts always agree, or disagree with the acting, that is, have their own opinion, that they are simply eager to share. It was then, and these need to be "free ears, but remember that you need not one person to talk and get acquainted.

At a conference I met with one of the editors of the newspaper "Business Petersburg", and then wrote a story there. So go ahead and award you overtake. But remember, you need a clear question. Specialists do not like empty talk with a stranger. It is better to start a conversation with topics of interest to him, and then move smoothly on issues of interest to you. Visiting a meeting of professional clubs, you need to figure out how to become a member and, if possible, at the meeting and join him. When you are in profklube or association to you once there is a different attitude on the part of professionals. This is exactly the key that allows you to open many complicated locks. I, being a specialist in recruitment, yet am only online club HRM. The founders of this club are the organizers of the exhibition "Human Resource Management", which are held twice a year in Moscow and St. Petersburg. I even have a plastic card with my name and the logo of the club. Trifle, but nice. So do not deny yourself the pleasure of being well-known personalities. After all, you can hang out with the mind, getting from this small gain.
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