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How to catch a man on the hook

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How to catch a man on the hook

Every fisherman dreams at least once in their lives to catch the biggest big fish, and for this he did not spare the time and resources to buy fishing line, hooks, mormyshkas. What a beautiful word "mormyshka" already for that alone I am ready to forgive the fans of fishing and cluttered storeroom any nonsense, and weekly absences on weekends. Incidentally, on this occasion and grumbling, most wives, blaming their husbands' senseless waste of money, in an empty pastime, etc., etc. But now comes the coveted hour - a huge fat big fish pecked the same! And there comes a time of triumph for the man.

Ladies, how much in vain than to scold poor fellows-men for their "vicious passion, not be better to adopt some of the subtleties prelyubopytnogo classes. There are the actions of any angler a reasonable grain - I have that every fish is meant his kryuchochek and its bait. Honestly, even I am very far from science to catch live bait, I understand that not a single bait hook and pike, and carp. At its core, we women - the same fishermen, and men - this is our treasured catch. For me personally, this catch appears as a royal trout. Thus, the desire is there, but in the arsenal of every one of us something is missing, then the figure can not boast, it mordashka so-so. ... How to catch a man on the hook? " Each of us has at least one advantage, this is the "mormyshka - bait, and now it will swing the nose of a "fish".

"Karas" - lazy home fish, loves comfort and delicious food. If you - the owner of plump figure, ruddy cheeks and skillful pen, then go ahead and flaunt it, this "military arsenal." Flirty Demonstrate a magnificent bust, dimples, and under no pretext do not start talking about diets.

"Roach" - smart athlete fidget, appreciating a woman is not so much refinement, how much vitality. If you have a figure of a teenager, if you're quick on the rise and have a sense of humor - you and a fishing rod in hand. "Mormyshkas" can serve as a tight-fitting trousers, noisy bangles on her wrists thin, stylish haircut and all that accentuate your mobile lifestyle.
"Catfish" - a little predator, a little bumpkin, but prefers to catch on the hook "graceful" starlet ". Entice him better with long legs, long blond hair and long manicured nails. But the skirt, on the contrary - in short, to the best cosmetics, jewelry and even less. "Catfish" loves the natural beauty and makes no falseness. Including behavior.

"Sturgeon" - purposeful, noble, "spawn" in front of women who choose a career and not without ambition. Rigor in all - that's his motto, so the "hook" will serve as a business suit, your ability to soberly assess the situation and maintain a conversation. Tastefully selected jewelry accentuate your femininity and distract its attention from small flaws in your appearance.

"Burbot - enterprising crafty snob, avid for all bright and shiny. You just have to conform to his ideal, and play the role of the ladies of high society. Surround yourself with an aura of mystery, lots of cute trinkets, flirt, naughty and demonstrate their powerlessness. As a rule, look for it does not matter, it has successfully replaced the scenery and your actions.

"Bleak" - a cheerful, careless man about town, the eternal boy. He desperately needs to find "mormyshku-mom", so women with anemic forms he does not bite. Its just a lure neckline, intimate conversations and ... rigor. Soft to be a woman's body, but not its character. Achieve elegance is not in the clothes, but in the posture and the ability to keep the brand.

"Trout" - a gentleman in every way. Truthful, and demands the same respect to him. If any appearance just be a lady, even if that role is given to you to work. "Catch" is worth it, believe in the word. Be natural, but with a share of gentility. After all, even the bag from under the potato can be worn like an expensive dress if your goal - get the royal "Trout."

There are many different "fishies" that whole shoals of "float" right under our noses. Some need to lure other - to lure in the network, but someone has to "overwhelm" the harpoon, there could be as lucky. Only a patient and smart fisherman will take home a welcome catch. And those who argue that bezrybe and cancer - fish, crab and get it.
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