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How to cause a feeling of love

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How to cause a feeling of love?

Love, love - these are states. A condition can cause. Is it possible to plan and artificially synthesized by the scheme is a feeling in another person? " How to call the feeling of love? Specialists trance and hypnosis have long learned to do so. They are in a trance restored memories of the love of a certain person and those feelings are transferred to the present reality. URA, then it is possible!

But in real life is much more important to us to use simpler methods that do not require any additional human knowledge in the field of psychology or introduction into a trance. Because there are girls that cause you feelings of sincere love for yourself involuntarily, easily and naturally only by their behavior, even though outwardly they may not be superkrasavitsami. Sometimes you have it?

Now you know how to do it without effort, that you enjoyed it as a game, people would, meanwhile, fell in love with you. After studying this technique, you'll learn to love to call when meeting with a girl, when communicating, and in general, cause the love of any girl so quickly and naturally, even around you people will not understand what was happening. First, you need to know a few obvious basic principles.
Basic principles of love

I'll start, it would seem, with well-known for each things, and then gradually move on to the fact that completely change your idea about how to develop a sense of the girl. It is important to know and understand the basic principles of love and love. They based much of our technology.

1.Obraz, anerealnost. Fall for you, but the image that you create in the minds of girls.

So do not try to be perfect, it seemed necessary. It is important to understand that your behavior creates the image. Nobody cares what you or how romantic you really are attracted to other women. The important thing is he thinks this girl, which will be sent to the miracle of your charms!

2.Nalichietayny, intrigue. Fall in love with the mystery and what's interesting.

Not by chance only now that I disclosed to you the basic ways to create interest and intrigue. Do you already know how it is. As you must always remain something unsolved. And the more the better. Completely mysterious man much more attractive in order to fall in love with him than a simple Vaska, she knows already 5 years old and can predict his actions. Although this Vaska may be an unexpected twist, and then he has a chance to fall in love with someone else!

3.Nedostupnost. Fall in love with unattainable. What's available, not interested, because it has no value.

4.Altruizm. When fall in love, unselfishly want to do something for a loved one. Absolutely not demanding anything in return. So she will want to give gifts just loved the guy.

5.Znachimost. Your value to be in love with you girl is high. She is afraid to lose you!

Significance can be different. Someone really for us roads, and some do not.

Statistics show that the more a person means to us, the less we are significant to him. If we run after the man as a servant, he will treat us accordingly.

The system of creation in love with himself

What are the reasons people fall in love? Let's look at why a guy falls in love with a girl? Why did the girl falls in love with a guy? What causes contribute to this? What features in a person can push her / him to do so? I will mention only some of the most common reasons are called hundreds of people during the interview.

"It's time to fall in love"

Some just want to fall in love with someone. The time has come, and people waiting for the appearance of any suitable object. And there is a desire to experience these feelings as soon as possible.

Causes that make an object attractive:









"Striving for the ideal"

Each person has a certain set of properties in the head, which he attributes to man, which may fall in love and who wants to maintain relationships. All of them - are different. Will not go and list all. Each determines its own. Here is an example: many young girls fall in love with music groups and soloists of very famous people because of the desire for perfection.

"The need for understanding"

A person often feels a need to understand. This is also a good reason for wanting to fall in love.

"The similarity with the parents'

Known cause, when a person is looking in another similarity with the father / mother.

"The need for feelings"

The need for happiness or misery is in many people. Most often, the guy who has everything good in life, there is a trashy girl, and everything is topsy-turvy. Why? She gives him something new, something it lacks. It fills a gap. This - the cause. He fell in love!

"The need for protection (for women) or the need to protect the (men)" It's instinct inherent in every man and every woman. Man seeks to protect its female and female - to find the most powerful male in order that he could protect her.


When a guy talks to a girl and she begins to see that other girl he also interesting competition arises. The guy is unavailable, the guy - a prize in the game these two women. Therefore, they both begin to fall in love with him for the simple reason that it is not available and could reach the other. Jealousy can also cause the formation of love.

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