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How to choose perfume

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How to choose perfume?

Still, it remains unclear how to choose for themselves such spirits, that after you in the room was only yours, nor incomparable flavor, and that everyone can say that it is - it is your scent? You can certainly change the spirits like a glove - each season, always choosing the most stylish, coolest flavor. You can consult a friend and buy the same as hers. You can trust the taste of a favorite and with a sinking heart of the quiet horror of waiting - something he would buy it this time? A possible approach to the choice of flavor as to the choice of translating their essence, as a second skin, as the quintessence of all the best that is in your soul, as to the choice itself, if you had the opportunity presents itself ... Let the perfume, which will soar around you associate it with those around you, defines your personality and creates a unique image of the beautiful and exciting woman. So, how to choose perfume?

First and most importantly - do not carry on a campaign for the spirits of anyone - no mother or best friend or her lover. The choice of perfume should be just your thing, it's you wear them! The store does not listen to advice sellers, they are by and large do not care what perfume you buy. The exceptions are small shops where the salespeople have a percentage of sales. In this case you almost certainly will advise the most expensive and "promoted" to date flavor. Listen to the reaction of your body - if you are physically unpleasant smell, do not touch it under any sauce, no matter how fashionable it was. Your body is protesting against this fragrance, and your duty - to listen to the signals it sends to you.

Nose - very tender and delicate organ, it is not adapted to frequent exposure to many different odors. Do not rush to try everything, to dwell on one or two, in extreme cases - in three flavors, but no more. Perfume should "open" on your skin, mixed with body odor. The only way you can understand how you smell perfume if these spirits. Apply the perfume on your wrist and elbow bends and moves away from the counter. Wander around the store for thirty minutes to forty, and only then go back to the right choice. Standing at the counter in modern perfumery departments, necessarily begin with mild nostalgia and emotion to remember the glorious times, when a "female" scent was present sugary psevdofrantsuzsky "Magee noir" or fresh, but the domestic "Lily" and the problem of choice does not exist as such .
Today is an exciting time when the eyes dazzled by the number alone labels with names, not to mention the kinds of wonderful perfumes, a person inexperienced or does not have experience, to understand that abundance is extremely difficult. Let us try at least in general terms to understand the classification of modern perfumery. Elite of modern perfumery - de luxe-products are the best, toughest, most elegant flavors. How do you determine that before you exactly what is written on the label? For the price. As a general rule, if the perfume is from 1-1,5 dollars per 1 milliliter, before you really cool products. Typically, elite fragrance comes in line with other means of body care products - gels, soaps, shampoos, deodorants and creams, the so-called "bath series. And the cost of each of the items for body care is approximately half the cost of a bottle of perfume. It is easy to calculate what you will purchase a full line of luxury perfumes - a small fortune.

Just below the class in price and quality is so-called middleili middle-up. Cheap perfumes that can not be named, of course, but still it is much cheaper than the de luxe. In addition, in a series of middle-up spirits there as such, are usually all starts with the toilet water or perfume. Accompanying the main flavor of "gadgets" in the form of bath line is not required but may be in the form of a pleasant surprise for fans of a particular flavor. Next - the so-called mass product, perfumes for all. Cheapest and available flavors are represented in these lines. They are neither stability nor the special pleasure. But a lot of them - the choice is practically unlimited. You can meet in the category of mass fragrances and copies of the elite brands that are indistinguishable from the originals at first glance, no packaging, no smell, and the original "original compositions", and just strange mixture of the "smell of a real man" (beer, sweat, and tobacco in one ). Everything for everybody - who have something.

Kind of perfume

How to discern - what exactly are you buying? Those who have eyes may see. Look carefully at the packaging. Be able to read small letters. On the packaging will always be written parfum (perfume, extrait), eau detoilette, eau de parfum, eau de Cologne, esprit. What do they mean? Kind of perfume, its steadfastness, the price - that is, characteristics of the products that are encrypted in the lovely French shaped as letters. The best quality product, most stable and therefore most expensive - espritili parfum, that is, the actual perfume. They contain not less than 30% of fragrances or essential oils, also in the spirits contain only natural ingredients, which means that the risk of allergy when using this type of perfumes is very, very insignificant. Scents have a very persistent odor, which means that they are economical to boring - just two or three drops in those places "where you dream to get a kiss."

Eau de parfum, perfume, or the water contains up to 25% of odoriferous substances, but nevertheless it is sufficiently stable to use product.

Eau de toilette, or eau de toilette, fragrances contain even fewer - 20%, and has even less resistance than the Eau de parfum. But the price of toilet water is much lower, respectively, it is more accessible.

Eau de Cologne, better known for our open spaces as cologne - perfume product that performs more hygienic option. They often enjoyed by men, although there are lines of women's colognes. Fragrance cologne unstable, quickly evaporates, they can "pour" practically from head to toe, men with success and doing a little each morning.

Now, when we were a bit flavors themselves understood, you can proceed to the core - how and when to use a particular scent. It's not every smell and every situation is appropriate. So it is with spirits. Heavy, spicy, rich flavors are not intended for day time, especially since you can not use them at work. This moveton. If you - a lover of oriental sweet and spicy smells, postpone the use of such spirits on the evening when you can hit the man of her dreams to the core, they are all quietly from us dream of the burning raskrasavitsah East. To work suit unobtrusive, fresh and light scents that will not remain too long "nose" of your colleagues and visitors if they are in your office.

We should remember that the use of certain types of odors of their creators are tied to the time of the year. Agree, stupid "wrap" a sweet, tart and very fragrant scent of sandalwood and musk in the hot summer and winter use watermelon or lemon notes. Everything has its time. No need to keep the spirits for years - they are any the better will not. This is especially true of those lovely ladies who acquires the spirits in bottles with ground glass stopper, not a spray bottle. The manufacturer guarantees the smell and its persistence over the past two years in a sealed vial and one year in the open. Spirits are contraindicated extreme changes in temperature and direct sunlight. All of these factors can significantly reduce the useful life of your favorite scent. Do not throw away the "home" package of spirits, let the bottle is worth it, even if you regularly use the perfume. In any case, whatever you kept their spirits and toilet water, do not skimp, use them. They are created to fill the fragrance and the light of our world, not to irrigate tissues and store them in the closet, so to speak, "to smell".

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