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How to choose your path

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How to choose your path?

The main indicator of the direction of your movement are your emotions. If you are experiencing negative emotions - you do not go there, they honk you: you're in the wrong place! Turn back! Select a different direction! If you experience positive feelings - you are going in the right direction. For example, if you're trying to find a job six months, based on their performances, as you all do not take and take, it is necessary to reconsider: whether you really want? If time and time again in a personal relationship you are faced with failure, check - true to your principles is to build relationships? Those partners, whether you choose?

One of my clients, very experienced, brilliant specialist for a long time could not find a job. And if found, then quickly fired from there. She kept repeating: "I need a Chief who is happy to accept my ideas." As a result, she could not find a suitable head, and if found, as she thought, someone progressive, then by virtue of his experience and professionalism is beginning to compete with him. Many times I told her: "You are very professional. You - the very superior and can run a big company, you have to do enough knowledge and experience, but again and again she was looking for a suitable supervisor. Sooner or later she would still have to meet up with the idea that ... it is time to organize your own business! I am glad that she came to this, and I wish her every success and prosperity. How exactly can you feel the direction that indicate you feeling? " How to choose your path?

A) To begin to learn to be useful to hear and differentiate, to distinguish one from another, since each of them gives the direction to your actions. If you confuse anger with sorrow, hunger, anxiety and so on - you go the wrong way. Chief prompters in distinguishing the senses is the body. Listening to him, coaching ability to hear yourself, you will learn to recognize their feelings. An invaluable tool in this work may be a psychotherapist, working with feelings, not thoughts, or therapeutic group.

B) It is necessary to learn to express their feelings, talk about them, clearly they survive, they say. Feeling left inside will not be able to reach you, can not tell you what it is trying to communicate. If you allow yourself to say what you feel and in this connection - you can find the answers. You own them and pronounce. Because they are hidden inside you. As soon as you call what you're worried, what are you afraid of what angry, you can hear their positive feelings that will tell about what you want to replace it and how to implement it. For example, only to admit out loud that in those respects in which you are a member, you do not like what your partner tells you the harsh words, you can admit to yourself and that your desire is to be respected. It remains only to formulate such a message to the partner that will help him to hear from you.
B) must learn to articulate their messages to other people and the world so that they are heard, received with respect and implemented. For example, if you talk to your partner: "I hate that you are not home all the time" - you will not be able to reach him. Even less effective message: "You all, guys, think only of themselves." The main principle of such a message - this statement at the same time respect and to yourself, and your partner. If you want to be heard - to recognize the value and importance of another for him by his conduct, and only then talk about what's important to you. In my blog readers will notice about this, that if a man speak so, "he would respect themselves more, and I was even less to appreciate, because I respect him." So the process can go in only two cases: if you are, in formulating the message, humiliate themselves and make themselves unequal to his partner, or if you are not a member of a person in a relationship and you have no understanding about the relationship.

Implementation requirements

Once you have accepted their responsibility and have learned to listen and express their feelings in words, the next step - it manifest itself in actions.

A) Formulate your need, as described above.

B) Confirm your need for real action: try yourself in the role you have in mind and look for the concrete means to implement his plans. Trust in God, and those who help themselves. Take seriously the fact that you need to prepare ourselves to your wish. For example, my way to choose a car - it got into the taxi to bring their habit wear seat belts to automaticity. This is one of the many things that help me in my life feel like who I want to be.

Let me give another example from my life, which could serve as a metaphor to better understand what it means to "put the role to try it." When I was engaged in sport dance, I love to train in the pants. And, coming on the tournament parquet, felt terrible inconvenience to the dress. I had to find a new habit - to train in a special workout clothes, a style similar to my tournament dress, to the speeches to feel natural. If you plan to test themselves in new roles - work out there in it. To this end, suitable visualization, real attempts, and any opportunity to feel in his new role.

B) Note the attention and gratitude to the slightest shifts in your life leading you in the right direction for you. To do this, be attentive to these small changes.

D) No need to wait for change, it is important to notice them. If your perception is configured negatively, if you expect that you will not work, then, according to the law of attraction, from the variety of what is happening you will tear out only those facts that confirm what you have nothing. Expectation - is a process where you do not acknowledge that something important is happening when you try not to notice the positive changes, while waiting for something, what has not. So waiting for - a way to skip all that is. Do not share skin killed bear, just do what you want, and be fully in these activities.

The world is everything that you need. The world is all things to all people. There is only one way to not be happy - it does not believe in it, struggling to try to emphasize their misery and do nothing to be happy. We sincerely wish you find your direction and be happy. All knowledge of your happiness is within you.
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