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How to conduct business negotiations

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How to conduct business negotiations?

In the ancient Chinese believed that any negotiations can only have three outcomes: either you get a bag of gold, ever encountered the enemy off a cliff, or suicide. A similar approach was and still common among business people, both foreign and domestic, coming from only three possible ways to achieve his aim: the pressure, compromise, give and take. Such a plant - on a obstvennuyu victory and defeat "the enemy" - should be replaced by a search for alternatives, the development of multiple solutions. Some solutions may be better than others, but all of them should be considered for the mutual benefit of the parties. This requires ingenuity. Doing business negotiations? " The success of the negotiations directly depends on the ability to invent solutions that would be beneficial to both parties. Why did the negotiators rarely involved in the invention of the options?

Such shortsightedness and narrow-mindedness of the negotiators "contribute" four serious errors that prevent the production of variants:

-Premature judgments;

Search single answer;

-Belief in the impossibility to "increase the pie";

-Installation of the fact that "a solution to their problem - their problem."

Let us examine them in detail.
Premature judgments . answers suggest themselves reflect, as a rule, ordinary thinking. Nothing is more harmful for the invention of options than a critical attitude when we are ready to seize primarily for the shortcomings of any ideas. Critical attitude prevents the imagination. For example, on the eve of talks to you is that it is necessary to promote the practical thinking, not fantasy. You are afraid that by proposing the idea of not worked, it would be unwise to look in the eyes of his interlocutor, especially if it - your boss, or that your immature thoughts would be perceived as a proposal, even though you have already and are ready to abandon it. Either you believe that, inventing options, betray any information that would jeopardize your negotiating position. All this not only limits your ability to invent options, but also reduces the enthusiasm of the partner.

Search for a single response. Many business people do not see the creativity, invention of the options as part of negotiations. They see their task of maneuvering between the two positions rather than to increase the number of possible options. Sometimes there are several ideas, even seen as a hindrance, confusing the merits and the achievement of the final product of negotiations - the only solution. Search for a single response often leads either to a deadlock or to the cessation of negotiations.

Belief in the impossibility to increase the "pie." Quite often, the negotiators are guided by the installation of "win / lose." Therefore, the impression, it can be split, not increased. Either one side gets what it wants, or vice versa.

The view that "the solution to their problem - their problem." Enthusiasm for their problems, doubts about the legality in terms of partner, short-sighted concerns of his "victory" - prevents the invention of options that could lead to an agreement. Need: an invention to separate options from their estimates, to expand the range of options in the negotiations, instead of finding a single answer; increase the pie for mutual benefit, to invent ways to make it was easy to make decisions. Consider these conditions more closely.

Separate the invention of options from their estimates. This condition is the fundamental principle of brainstorming. The latter is designed to give the maximum number of ideas with which we can effectively solve the problem. The main rule of "brainstorming" the rejection of all criticism and evaluation of ideas. Negotiations with respect, this gives an opportunity to clearly separate the creative act - the invention of ideas and options - from their critical evaluation of the process thinking of possible solutions - from the process of choosing between them. There is a need for a "brain attack", similar technique can be used during the negotiations, both with his team, and with the other party.

Here are some of the requirements and guidelines that are helpful to consider:

> Define the target;

> Select some participants (5-8 people);

> Change the setting (time, place, interior);

> Create an informal atmosphere;

> Elect the lead;

> Put the participants or the Round Table, or a semicircle in front of the board, which stated shows or problem;

> Define the basic rules of attacks, including a ban on criticism;

> Actually brainstorming. Your imagination record ideas so that everyone could see (on the board, long sheets, etc.). Highlight the most promising ideas. Think about ways to improve the promising ideas. Make a list of selected and advanced ideas;

> To determine which of these ideas should be brought to the negotiations and how.

Hold a "brainstorming session" with his people is easier than with the other side because there is no need to worry about hiding sensitive information. However, such work with the partners could also be extremely useful. Despite the risk of producing the interests of all parties involved, increase the chances of achieving a joint problem-solving. Discussion of options is fundamentally different from taking a position. While the position of one side is in contradiction with the position of the other development options and stimulate new approaches. In this case, even the language is different: it is more free, it is dominated by the questions and assumptions, and no assertion: "What if we do this?" "Is there any other options?" "How will it work?"; " What does not work here? ", etc. Attempt to diversify their approaches and options. If, as we noted above, finding a single answer - a serious mistake in the course of negotiations, the key to success, by contrast, lies in the ability to invent new approaches and duplicate a variety of options from which to choose the best.

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