How to confront an angry supervisor
Sooner or later the work all have to be provided in a situation that angers or irritates. Instead of immediately rushing to complain about the head, try to look at the circumstances of the order to find out exactly what "inconvenience" caused your anger and think about possible ways to address them. After you do this quietly and discreetly talk to the director and ask him you found ways to solve the problems, allowing him to understand that relying on his positive response.
If you're annoyed your boss and want to justify themselves as soon as possible, or you disagree with the views expressed and the rough first impulse - to challenge it, do not sleep. Allow pause, count to yourself to ten, calm and collect my thoughts, and then speak. Rashly spoken word return will not be easy. Perhaps you do decide not to object or return to the problem when the boss is in gracious mood. Talking on a raised voice in any case would not be productive. Sometimes management seems too autocratic and overbearing, but you realize that it is parsed in your work is much worse than you.
When he last time he gave you another stupid statement, you will hardly hold, not to tell him in person all you think about it. Reflect on the fact that you yourself, my hands are building their own fate, as every person in the world. You can choose this job, knowing that you have to obey the orders of the chief-petty tyrant. But: why does he - the chief, and you - an ordinary worker? Ask yourself this question: if the organization was not profitable, there would be a job for you?
And your boss, with all its repulsive nature, still manages to keep the organization afloat, providing earnings as myself and you. What qualities enabled him to rise so high up the corporate ladder? And, if you often think like "But if I were in his place?" Rationally evaluate: Could you, even if your work professionally, to cope with this production? If you managed to get on the path of analytic reasoning, consider that you have overcome your anger and, consequently, you have to be congratulated.
Step by step guidelines: how to confront an angry supervisor
1.Pokazyvayte business activity. Speak loudly and quickly and clearly.
2.Do not look away from the eyes of an angry boss. Your fearless kind of need him discouraged.
3.Sledite your breath. The air should be inhaled slowly and deeply, and then just as slowly to breathe out focusing on the process. You can silently take breaths.
4.Do not argue. It still does not help. Only showing an excerpt, you'll earn respect in the eyes of furious boss.
5.Pozvolte head talk. Otherwise it is useless to interrupt.
6.Ispolzuyte pauses, which are necessary to the boss to take a rest, and insert the necessary cues.
7.Po the process, try to frequently refer to an angry supervisor by name and patronymic. Perhaps this helps bring it to life.
If the boss - you
If the head of you and you for some reason irritates subordinate (slow at work, constantly "perekurivaet" and objected to you for any reason). This means that you have good reason to doubt his managerial abilities. Ask yourself some questions:
"Why officer allows himself to behave this way? What a mistake I made on his leadership position? Maybe I was obliged still at an early stage to make him understand that the so frequent and cause errors are inexcusable and unacceptable permissiveness? And in the end, maybe the company simply does not require such undisciplined employee? ". It often happens that as a result of such an understanding boss comes to the conclusion that, despite all its shortcomings employee, however, is valuable to the organization.
Modern psychologists say that especially important is not external response and internal self-awareness of rights. The main feature of psychological harmony - it's acceptance of himself entirely, along with all their emotions, both positive and destructive. And the ability to show their negative emotions - the distinctive quality of a person held. To cope with anger, you will be examined in its causes. If a person feels anger, then it makes sense. For example, anger alerts the person that someone or something to violate his rights. He gives strength to defend those rights, because it is an excellent source of energy. Anger can help you hide that you are scared. In any case, it indicates the person on his vulnerable spot: "Are you angry, then you are wrong! Because anger is not caused by an event, but only your attitude towards this event. Alternative does not exist: it must change its attitude towards life and people. Taking responsibility for your inner world, you begin to learn to control anger.