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How to confront violence in schools

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How to confront violence in schools?

Violence in schools must be countered by a set of special events. Prevent the wave of violence to overwhelm the school can only be the joint efforts of all teaching staff. Measures to prevent violence include developing a consensus as to the extent allowed in school. How far can go a brawl? How to respond to truancy or presence of weapons at school? " How to confront violence in schools? Students need to be clear, unequivocally expressed an agreed position in relation to violence and aggression recorded in any document, which, inter alia, distinguishes between healthy aggression and manifestations, taking the form of violence.

It is equally important that these are common to all internal regulations do not remain on paper only, but became a true creed of teachers. Unfortunately, many schools are teaching a consensus does not go beyond the letter of the document. However, quite quickly the school rules is a means of evasion of life in general educational setting or doctrine. Rather than seek to explain the provisions of DC charter school, it is quite affordable childcare understanding and is able to be quoted on any occasion, the teachers are content with reference to the dry paper. In many schools, the presence of Rules provides teachers a convenient loophole for shirking from participation in school life.

However, the mere existence of regulation is not able to change the general atmosphere of the school, the culture of teaching. Indifference to the text of the most characteristic for the youngest, not yet learned how thoughtful consideration to what is written on paper. Therefore, the pedagogical setting should present them orally and preferably shaped form containing a catchy and permanently laid in memory of the expression. Impression produced on the smallest words, tell the teacher immediately, without preparation, without notes, does not go to any comparison with the impact on their treasury phrases of the document.
The development of such general rules implemented during the meeting the teachers' council and required time for finding a consensus. Often without a fierce debate or of the arbitral tribunal to come to an agreement fails. What is the extent allowed in school fights? Which punishment may seek a teacher? What to do in case of damage school property? These and similar questions are subject to an oral formulation. Naturally, the kids and not think to follow them. Despite this, the stated position of teachers is extremely important psychologically. Pedagogical settings become a counterbalance settings of children themselves. They help them to mobilize their own forces. Not wishing to slavishly copy the representation of teachers, they find their position in an effort to assert their independence, against the authority of adults.

The next measure is positively proven in cases of violence at school, is in the tradition of these incidents public. Whether the acts of violence committed in the territory of the school itself, or whether they occurred on the territory adjacent to it, they can not suppress, the incident must be informed of both teachers and students. The school should know all the details of the incident and surrounding circumstances. Names need to be made public. This measure contributes to the social control within the school. It is important that violence does not remain a mystery to others, and became publicly known within the school.

Rapists should be clear that our actions, they are making their isolation from the collective, that certain acts of violence be tolerated. Publicizing names of offenders and comprehensive coverage of the incidents, helps children feel, where, according to the ideas of teachers and parents, goes beyond the limits. Publicizing names of the perpetrators in any case should not be the only measure. With aggressive children and adolescents need to conduct interviews. They must remain the ability to integrate into school life.
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