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How to conquer a woman

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How to conquer a woman?

We must be clear that the phrase "I love you" on women effect akin to hypnotic. This phrase is a kind of spell. Everyone knows that this is just a set of words. Everyone knows that I repeat - do not repeat, but love does not increase. But here is the need for women to hear! What's interesting is that many men know that this is just a set of words ... I suspect that many women about the phrase "I love you" even unable to talk. They can just hear it. That's it! Here is how to breathe air. How to make flowers purchased.

A woman does not realize that the flower is a plant. Similarly, women do not realize that the phrase "I love you" is just a short block of information that is often untrue. Fellow men, ladies and gentlemen, friends and colleagues! You need to gratify a woman you passionately and sincerely? And tell them that phrase. Five times, ten times. But with interruptions. This phrase can be replaced by daily coffee in bed. But not for long. Day two and three. And that then the woman hint that too if you like, then "love" you say, and coffee in bed brings. First hint, and then demand starts. But this is still necessary to survive.

And now - love, love, love ... While corn on the language will not work. But the return will be! Fellow man, you have a choice. Or tell the standard phrase and benefit from a woman, or seek paid caresses. As one French - Russian men because of love saying that to pay for it do not want. Fellow man, if you do not talk about his love a woman, then took out a purse. Either-or.

How to conquer a woman? " Actually, it is unknown how effective you can conquer a woman. Constantly repeating "I love, love, love, or be attentive, caring and giving gifts. The issue of money (large) is not considered here. For the money (large) can gain access to the body. Here the same question - about the reciprocal feelings.
Nobody can predict what will "throw" a woman in the nearest minute

Why does a woman like, first of all, fake tokens. And only then she's looking for in a man above the required property for the family - the reliability and consistency. Why, then, for women, de facto, reliability is a secondary factor. It's against nature! The creator and keeper of "home" often makes itself unusual steps: faith standard compliment, a gift like flowers, bought with money, responds to an invitation to eat and see, those are - idle time. And someone - the prospects for creating a family - are familiar even to the dance floor (...?)

Indeed, no one can predict what will "throw" the woman to the nearest minute. The irony of life is that the woman - is a sensual creature, capable of seeing "through", which is capable of even at a distance feel the challenger - "losing the mind" of "snot" from small tokens, such as purchased and donated to the flower as the standard phrase, a compliment. It is like a fish swims up to a tasty bait impaled on a hook. But the fish is something - it silly. A woman? Woman! The one man, in principle, unable to deceive. Both created by nature, so did our Creator: the man can count, but a woman can feel. That is - intuitively anticipate events. This man should be "spectators to root" in order not to be deceived. A woman's view begins with an assessment of the aura and the information that is contained in the human biofield, in our case - the field of men. The woman first feels then hears and sees, and then analyzes the information. But not always analyzed, not always. Because all this is secondary. Sensual opinion - is look through. And so by nature. It is these abilities. Pledged Creator. Through life as the opposite - first hears and sees, and feel ... and then have no reason ... We should like!

 Go to a restaurant

About the restaurant: a woman that just craves. Longs to bring her, fed, and that it has not yet it's ready. Man it's hard to understand. Especially one who does not hold part of his life in the kitchen. Most importantly, a man of understanding is not necessary. You just have to remember that the restaurant a woman, as male erotic fun. Just remember to do a woman presents in the form of dinner at a restaurant. Or breakfast, if someone like morning sex ...

And there is no money for the restaurant, go on their way to a cafe, she let it poured the juice in the cup - low waste, and will be reckoned. Useful idea is contained in a joke. If you invite a girl to his home to feed aquarium fish and aquarium you he has never been, open at least a jar of sprats. As a rule, crumble into a little jar of bread, the girl begins to wonder why it was called. But if, after the restaurant you do not pobaluete woman passionate night, it is you do not understand.

 Whether to give flowers to women?

Right off the bat: "lay" a woman in bed are two ways (violence do not consider here). Right to make an offer of sex. Present flowers, and the subsequent tokens accompany gifts. In the first case as a joke - you know the anecdote about the lieutenant Rzhevsky? Especially for those who do not know.

Lieutenant Rzhevskii and young cornet talking.

Cornet - Lieutenant, as you can always triumphs over women? Can you teach me?

Lieutenant Rzhevskii - all very simply, a cornet. Come out to the crossroads, and each passing lady say: "Madame, and you can execute ...?"

"But, Lieutenant! For this is possible and in the face ...

-It is possible and in the face. But, more often, sing ...

This anecdote. But this is an example. Why this example? And the fact that quite often there are women who are impressed by the initiative, pressure, confidence, masculinity. Of course, you can answer and get into trouble. But know how to play, learn not to cross the line between head and rudeness, and then we can avoid that part of the relationship of the lieutenant Rzhev, which he calls "the face". The point still is that women often think the same thought. But this idea is brilliant in its simplicity - "Do not tell, and do." This also applies to sex, this also applies to other relationships, this also applies to gifts, it applies to everyday life. This applies at all - to our lives. Do not say, and do it!

You may ask, how do I know what they think a woman? Yes, they're just her "thinking aloud". Sometimes, even out loud. But what if your indecision as "slow" you that the chances of losing her virginity somewhere shlyayutsya near zero? What to do? It's very simple! As said, the heroine of one of the TV series:

"We women, it is difficult to deny, if we see that the man has spent on us."

And that, boys and half-hearted citizens unlucky fellow men, there is a formula for success. This recognition of women. Key which they give us. Of course, the guarantee itself can give you alone. But if you leave your sighs and dreams, and will work productively, or at all - to "make money", and to all of its budget allocated a separate budget line called "courting favors and gifts for women", then you may have a choice that you will choose, choose, choose ... And again, not able to lose her virginity - once would be. (A joke, too, from a joke). Spending on women means that very soon you will find one that is itself "fill up" you into bed. So, decide for themselves - whether to give flowers to women?

And nothing specific ...

Man, you're looking for physical contact. To physical contact by men need an erection, and there are already beginning to think no head, and "head". It's simple: someone to raise testosterone levels in the blood is enough to behold half-naked leg, who - sly glance, someone - the neckline. And who is sufficient three hundred grams of vodka. Or even easier - delicious dumplings with sour cream. And then - run, hide my dear! But now I'll still catch you. Only need to accurately determine for themselves that has the most effective influence. Maybe it will be six raw eggs, drunk in one fell swoop? Or view my better half in bathrobes on the naked body, still hot after a shower? Must prostoopredelit. And then your wife is urgently in five minutes will be your mistress.

But among women the excitation mechanism and a willingness to contact an incredibly complicated, and it begins (the mechanism - it's written for men!) With the psyche, with the answer to some signs of attention to the words of tenderness. And as a reaction to a declaration of love, and as a response to attention, affection and care. This is because the experts say. Both women confirmed this information. How to conquer a woman? Give flowers (if expensive gifts is no money), smile, tell me in your ear something stupid, but tender, do not forget to express my admiration ... Of course, with the perfume then complete disaster. The woman herself does not know what the smell and what time of day she might like. So it is necessary to know in advance and have a neutral smell, about which your woman will say - the smell of a real man. And no specifics. It's a woman ...
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