How to cook a charm water from all diseases
We need to take holy water, pour it into three identical cups over and tell her these words:
Lord, save, save from death in vain God's servant (name). From the dawn of morning, noon, from dawn, the dawn of the evening, from the dawn of a midnight walk, and talked. Walks of the Virgin and St. Tikhon. Consolation to grief and illness, God's servant (name). As dawn soon disappears, and disease will soon disappear from the servant of God (name). Deliver a servant of God (name) from dawn morning, from dawn south, from dawn midnight out of his head from his chest, from his abdomen, from his hands from his legs, from his bones and store. In my head, amen. In the breast, amen. In the stomach, amen. In the veins, amen. In hock, amen. In the bones, amen. In Mosley, amen. In the blood of ages and in all, amen (2 times).
Drink a cup of water for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even if you do not eat anything - drink water required. Speaks the water every day until the disease will not retreat.