How to cope with negative mood
Reasons for the bad mood, unfortunately, quite a lot. In this case, someone might spoil the mood of rain and dampness in the street, and someone falls into despair just because of the fact that life is boring in the world. But there are people who generally never a bad mood. In their life to happen almost a natural disaster, that they thought so. This type of people are called optimists. Do you think they are no cloudy days, quarrels, diseases and other problems? On the contrary, their lives are exactly the same as yours consists of ups and downs, happy and sad moments. Just this is the type of people does not allow bad mood for a long time to settle in their lives. At the first sign of sadness, apathy and pessimism they take himself in hand and due to several complex rules are not returned to its familiar to them as upbeat. So, what advise do optimists when you assail bouts of sadness?
The surest way to cheer yourself up - to meet with friends. Many believe that when sad or sick at heart, it is better to see no one, no one to meet, in general, to stay with his gloomy thoughts alone. This is the wrong decision! Becoming a recluse you only exacerbates its already gloomy mood. Contrary to distract from unpleasant thoughts, and who can distract and share the positives? Of course, my friend! Call him, meet, go on nature in a movie theater, a park, sit in a cafe. With a friend if you want to share their problems, to speak out, and you will not notice, as you will become much easier.
Another sure way to curb their negative thoughts - switch to positive. Usually it is not easy to do, but still need to try. Thank God that in our life is getting quite bad, necessarily, along with unpleasant moments are nice and it is for them to concentrate. In your life have relatives, friends, loved ones, have an interesting job, you have talents and abilities, plans and dreams. These are all points that it would switch as soon as you start to feel blue.
Try to lead a more active lifestyle, when you have a bad mood. More happens in nature, the water in the sun. An important component of our emotional balance is the health of our body. Being in good physical shape, you will have and the strength and energy to confront and troubles and difficulties and bad moods.
Sometimes we spoil the mood of banal things - dirt on the streets, in doorways, street children, beggars in the transitions. We are sorry for the poor, and we are indignant that we live in such an imperfect state. But our passivity does not add to the positive, because the depressing factors do not disappear, but to get rid of them let's start with ourselves. Are you sorry for orphans and the needy, and you are angry, paying attention to the dirty porches? Make a contribution to solving this problem: help the orphanage, help needy retired, remove yourself from the staircase. Changing ourselves, we change the world around us, and these changes are necessarily positive effect on our mood. In general, any good thing we're doing quite disinterestedly, gives us the unforgettable moments of happiness and joy. Therefore, to a good mood as long as possible you have not left - to do good deeds!
Analyse what you have unfulfilled task. Usually, they put pressure on us and on a subconscious level, causing emotional discomfort. If you've been planning to go to the doctor and still can not find time for it, set aside some important conversation, an encounter with some person - still try to solve the progressively planned, and it is sure to lift your mood. Also important is the purity of not only your emotional space, but also the physical space. Regularly clean up your workspace, do not save up some old papers, letters and documents. Make spring cleaning, get rid of rubbish - there is nothing that improves mood as a feeling of accomplishment.
Each of us is something dreams, it can be extensive evaluation, for an embodiment which takes months and years, but everyone has a dream everyday, when we dream about some things, traveling, theater, meeting with some man, etc. To realize these desires we sometimes just do not have the time or the persistence of funds. In periods of depression as a time worth remembering about their everyday dreams and, despite some obstacles, find a way to bring them to life. The man most happy when he succeeds his plan, so carrying even the smallest desire - a sure way to cheer yourself up.
To smile. Likely it will seem strange, since many believe that a person can only smile when he's in a good mood and happy, it turns out it is not so! The smile itself can improve your mood! Smile passer, child, neighbor, and you feel like my heart is light and happy. Try to get away from routine. If your job is monotonous and boring, at least at home do something active and interesting. Make a permutation, do some creative work, cook some new dish.
If the reason for bad mood became chronic fatigue, few here would just smile and regularly communicate with friends. Take time off from his boss for a couple of days, go into the pool, the water is the best remedy for fatigue and negative emotions. Take the sick, do not wait when you just one morning not able to get out of bed because of nervous and physical exhaustion. Pay attention to your diet, balance your diet so that you get the necessary vitamins.
On our mood directly affects the quality of our lives. People are cheerful and optimistic attract their positive energy. Usually such a person easy to talk to, people are drawn to him. Cheerful people rarely denied requests than ever depressed and gloomy. Constantly nagging people the impression loser. Such people are rarely interesting, someone nice to look at the sour face? A smile will help you make contacts with people, always be welcome in any company. His optimism, you can improve your mood with friends and family. We create our own mood, the weather at home, at work, in our minds - it depends only on us!