How to correctly reject
You have been asked to perform a small request, and you do not really want to do it, but do not want to offend waiver asking. How competently refuse? In order to competently refuse, you can pretend to not know about the subject matter a person: "I can not understand your request . A colleague asks you to return for his shift at the weekend. You really do not want to lose their output, but is denied without good reason, as something embarrassing. Can you answer this way: "You know, I'm in last month with Marinko also changed shifts, and accounting that got it wrong and accrued salary is less than usual. I'm trying to figure out, but nothing in their explanations are not understood, and agreed with anyone shifts do not change, and that so and will receive less than all. " All his entreaties and proposals to understand yourself, you can simply brush aside and stand my ground: "I am in this matter is not sorted out and I do not want to be back out in the cold."

Another illustrative example of such manipulation we find in the literature - a poem by Nikolai Gogol's Dead Souls, "a female character Boll behaves in a similar way. Chichikov calls it "dubinnogolovaya" for what it is in any did not want to sell him dead souls and explains this by saying he did not understand the essence of the transaction. Such tactics Korobochka characterizes as a woman with a good intuition: she understands that Chichikov wants to cheat and trying to resist his manipulations. You can use such tactics in different situations: lack of understanding of the interlocutor is often put out even the experienced handler, he loses his temper and usually does not reach the target.
Head calls you and asks you to tell about the noticed violations of the company's employees. You do not want to spoil relations with the chief, but to give "their" is also not desirable. He tries to find out you the truth, using the clever manipulation techniques. The easiest and surest way to face - this is to say that you have seen nothing and know nothing about. The main thing in this situation - to be assertive in his testimony. " In any case not to enter into long explanations and prepiraniya that if you knew, you would have said sure, because you are very honest worker, and always tell the truth. On all questions are answered in one word: "I saw nothing," I do not understand what you are asking, "I really do not know what to tell you," etc. Monotony answers will not allow your boss to find a weak spot in your testimony, and he will have you believe.