How to create fear?
With fear, we can effectively manage people - this is not news. Scared people do not think for thought to calm and sober mind, but he just is paralyzed - fear. Ideologues, PR people, charlatans and obscurantism have always sought to manipulate people's minds, inspiring place - fear. Let us take one example, how to create a myth of sectarian Russia, why did we frighten?
If you tell a child scary stories, then you need to report that if you keep behaving badly, the worst horror characters certainly come and take to him. Parenting fear sometimes yield results, the children were afraid of the police, "Babayan, Kashcheev, and other evil spirits, so even temporarily behave decently. Adults in these moments were happy, they knew that the tales of work and good behavior of offspring of evidence of this.

Any horror story is a way to control people's behavior. For example, in Nazi Germany had created a lot of terrible myths that people understand where the enemy with whom to fight and why. In order to frighten, to designate the fear - it needs to come up with a name. The Nazis came up with a lot of names, such as "communists", "flawed race," if someone does not know, it's all Slavs, Gypsies, Jews, all of this, on a plan of Dr. was to cause fear among the German people, and after him hatred. In Goebbels all happened - the result is known, grief, death, concentration camps, millions of corpses,
Comrade Stalin by the ideologues in the creation of fear was too talented. At the mere mention of the phrase "enemy of the people" or "mean-spirited prostitute of imperialism", the prosecution gave way feet and all the friends instantly became the former and began to fear angrily blaming "cleverly disguised dog of the bourgeoisie."
It is very important to note that there is no clear definition of such horror stories as "Baba", "flawed race," "enemy of the people" simply does not exist. You know why? In order for these concepts can be substituted any unwanted person or group of people. On the other hand such concepts attributed to many symptoms, such as "public enemy" - who does not approve the Party's leading role in society, and if specifically - found in toilet paper with the materials of the Party Congress, asked the question: what is the place to wipe away? And without waiting for an answer - the verdict "an enemy of the people"! That's not irony, there are many criminal cases with the story, where people were sentenced to 25 years imprisonment.
So, remember the three chassis strategy scum and scoundrels, tortured and murdered millions of innocent innocent people:
1. think of a name of fear.
2. find a vague "empty" definition of the title, with many features, suitable for anything, anyone.
3. introduce into the consciousness of men that they have stopped thinking and started to fear.
And in today's Russia there is a vivid follower of the above riff-raff, a professor AD, as he himself calls it, for those who do not know, decode.
To be precise, it is simply a man with secondary education, since there are no recognized by the Russian state evidence of his scientific activity, conferring academic status - no. And is not it the case, even calls himself, as he wants. The problem in the next, this ideologue, to work in America different "voices of reproach," well learned three chassis combination of a fear that so successfully used by Hitler, Goebbels, Stalin and other tyrants - the dregs. To be fair I must say that the methods of the ideological wars were identical and in the USSR and the USA, where he lived and studied Dworkin. They were all based on creating fear and hysteria.
Step One.
AD decided to scare the Russians. Guess with three times - how? That's right, like we did scoundrels, murderers, fascists have come to fear the beginning of the title is a step first.
AD For the Russians invented the following horror stories.
1. Totalitarian, destructive cult.
2. Psihokult.
Step Two.
Give a vague "empty" definition with a variety of symptoms to a "totalitarian sects and psihokult" could be written any person, any organization.
So: What is a totalitarian sect?
"This authoritarian organization, the principal raison d'être of which - the power and money management. And it is in pursuit of this goal is covered different masks - religion, psychology, cultural studies, pedagogy and policy. The sect is identified by a number of properties: deception in the recruitment, control of consciousness adherents, regulation of all aspects of their lives, the deification of the leader. AD for the newspaper Stolichnaya, and interviews. This same definition is contained AD in his book "sects studies.
If it is not clear whose AD sequence, then give the definition of what "enemy of the people, this kind of ideological workers of the Communist Party in 1937.
"Enemies of the people - people and spy agencies, which for the sake of power and money seeking to undermine the Soviet system, they are disguised as scientists, intellectuals, health workers, penetrating even the working class. These hirelings of imperialism deception recruit young people into their ranks, introducing alien to our ideals. "
Ferdshteyn MA from the speech at a meeting of the personnel on the execution of the next "enemy of the people."
In such definitional data Dvorkin and its ideological fellow Ferdshteynom in "totalitarian sects" and in "people's enemies" can be credited any person, any organization.
As written by the famous Russian religious studies, Ph.D., professor of Moscow State University IY Kanterov - the concept of "totalitarian sect" and "destructive sects" are meaningless, since by blurring the defining characteristics "can reckon to these associations almost any religious neoplasm, religious philosophical doctrine, cultural and educational institution. " These terms are used mainly to ideological goals - creating a negative image of religious associations.
Thus, AD for psychologists, businessmen, politicians, culture becomes a witness against them on the basis of fictional blank horror.
Doing the same murderers and scumbags in Stalin's time, shooting innocent victims. Here, writes Nikita Khrushchev with his memoirs.
"Some people were just charlatans who chose to expose the enemies of the people of the profession. They terrorized all, unceremoniously stating in his eyes: "Here is this - the enemy of the people." Take a strong liking to the man is accused attracted the attention, the NKVD began to understand. The corollary, of course, was carried out secretly to the man puts the agents, and then argued that it is - an enemy of the people. "
Defining the second horror AD ".
You something right? That's right, it should be. Even if the illusion of understanding, it quickly dissipates, if a little thought.
In this definition, there is a link - "kind of totalitarian sects," which, as shown above is empty and vague. You can not define something unknown by another unknown. Otherwise it quite absurd.
- What is Psihokult?
- Variety "totalitarian sects".
- And what is "totalitarian sects"?
- And it includes "Psihokult. More questions?
Everything is normal, can be traced starter Soviet ideologists learned Dvorkin, to create a scare. Compare this definition of "Psihokult" with the definition of "Bezrodny cosmopolitan" such as the title of the editorial in Pravda
"Bezrodny cosmopolitan - is the enemy of the people"! Clips from "antikosmopoliticheskih" articles of the Soviet press. Still do not understand - it's a death sentence, it is terrible.
"Psihokult - a kind of totalitarian sects" and all, a "club oratorical skill - sectarians who need iznichtozhit.
Thousands of people were put into camps and executed after the assignment of the stamp "Bezrodny cosmopolitan." From fear of culture written accusatory article, because the most important process to run: "Only people who are alien to Soviet society, rootless cosmopolitans, devoid of the sacred feelings of love for the motherland, to the native culture can deny the leading role and the great transformative significance of Soviet literature and art Malicious cosmopolitan little idea of the people kind of cause direct damage to people's interests, the interests of Soviet literature and art. " "Culture and Life" on January 30 1949goda.
If the "totalitarian sects and psihokult" empty and meaningless concept, then why are they? For the same reason and the "enemy of the people" - that is planting fear the creation of a negative.
"Words with a pronounced negative connotation, the main component of the meaning of their use: a double-dealer, a racist, an enemy of the people, sectarian"
Gorbanevskiy M. "The Cost of Words"
Now, about the characteristics of scary - "totalitarian sect, psihokult" who came up with AD
1. "Religious Marketing. The sect has always occupied a religious marketing, it has spread its teachings and the recruitment of new members by special means. " True, a clear definition? The fight of all Christian denominations in the flock and is - a religious marketing. A means all good and introduction into secular schools, and forced the lecture in the army, universities, etc. Therefore, in this "empty picture frame - the religious marketing, you can insert all the Christian and Christian denominations.
2. 'Aggressive proselytizing and psychological pressure. Another "empty frame" insert what you want. If you on TV all the time broadcast only Orthodox priests - is an aggressive proselytizing? And my daughter, which was little seen on the street priest in black robes, bearded and drunk, terribly frightened, a psychological pressure on the fledgling soul God forbid anyone. I had to explain what it is, uncle dressed up and not Barmalej. If the interest is a process that can themselves continue to fill the "empty frame" the sign of a totalitarian sect, which is easy to include representatives of all denominations and secular organizations.
3. "The double doctrine. Recruiters do not report those who are trying to attract a cult, the whole truth about the history of the sect, its founder and its true doctrine because the sect has a double doctrine - one to advertise their sect, to give it a "human face", and another - for internal use. " This masterpiece of military service. The TV ad showed a beautiful "Subscribe to contractors, the recruiters did not report information that is known about our army of anyone who served in it. In this frame in varying degrees and include almost all religious and secular organizations.
4. "The organization of the sect are strictly hierarchical. We have always vertical and the hierarchy of the state, army, police, all organizations, and even, believe in the church.
5. "Hepogreshimost sect and its founder. The doctrine of the sect have always claimed that this is the highest truth, and truth "newer" than the truth of all others, and especially - the traditional religions. " All religions claim to infallibility of their creator. And the Army knows the ultimate truth sergeant, well, or ensign, let the soldiers try to declare "pogreshimosti"
6. Programming consciousness. Members of the sects are primarily people with unstable mentality, with no clear moral criteria, spiritual and cultural knowledge. " Also absolutely empty frame insert, for example, a school - that's where the brains were washed, and the kids there come from unstable mentality, with no clear moral criteria, spiritual and cultural knowledge. To the same army, and any educational institutions.
7. "The spiritual elitism. Members of the sect instilled the idea that they - the only saved people that everyone around - people are "second class", are doomed to perish because they did not share the teachings of the sect. " Yes, it is common in people who have graduated from Moscow University, Moscow State Institute and other prestigious universities. Can insert into the empty box, for example, all staff members of an elite squad of Alpha, Vympel, etc. they called it - morale. For one thing all the officials of the Russian Federation, they are people of "Class I", go to the "blinking lights", and people are "second class" standing on the tracks overlapped, and patients die in ambulances. In addition to a totalitarian sect officials, according to this feature, you can add representatives of youth subcultures.
8. "Control of life. The ultimate objective of a sectarian organization - control over many and ideally - on all spheres of human life. To achieve this, the adepts of the sect are pulled out from the familiar life, deprived of the usual circle of communication. " Again about the army, there is control from morning to evening. Not to mention such terrifying totalitarian sect on the basis of how - prison.
9. "Political purposes". Well, right, all the political party in the sectarians, they also have political goals.
So the signs are the same blank and common, as well as definitions. I wonder why they wrote the AD? It is clear than the vague definition of "enemy of the people, the more the henchmen and villains can this nation to ruin.
Than vacuous concept of "totalitarian sects and psihokult, the more people and organizations can be for them to rank. And why do we need in general and in particular - more? Here are the answers, choose the correct themselves.
1. The more "enemies", forgive me, "sects", the terrible threat.
2. What terrible threat, the more necessary killer - KGB, sorry, Dworkin.
3. What is claimed punishers and jailers, simply, as a collective image must be "Dworkin, and the greater the need to finance them, to pour money.
4. And there is where money, no conscience nor honor.
5. People need to divert to fight the "enemies of the people", sorry, the "totalitarian sects and psihokultami", and that poverty, the crisis is better to let each other's hate, and then suddenly claim the authorities will bring.
6. "Enemies" executioners always declared undesirable, sorry, "sects" AD the company has always announced in the marketplace of religious services.
7. The stigma of "Enemy of the People" - not wash off, everyone understood that a man can and decent, but when shit-smeared, then the hand is no longer greet. The stigma of "sectarian" is also needed cleaned with bleach. AD it is very dirty, dirty methods, but it is active, spits, hands waving, finger decree - and the unwanted stain.
8. The more frightened the enemies of the people, the easier to manage them, call the righteous wrath, directed at the very enemies. The more "sektoispugannyh, the easier it is to manipulate them, well, the same thing - beat the enemy!
There are many reasons why the AD led the company to create a scare, but I do not believe them. In particular, I do not believe that Dworkin, operating on the "foes voices in the U.S., was recruited by the CIA as an agent sent to Russia stir up religious strife. I believe complete nonsense claim that Dworkin emigrated from the Soviet Union as a Jew, and especially in the United States was baptized in order to return to Russia and foment dissension between Christian denominations.
Step Three.
Implementation scare into people's consciousness.
This is the easiest and the long phase of fear. Simple - because it is clear how to do this. Long - as a big country. The methods are simple. Dissemination of information about the horror stories from the Internet, forums, discussions, and people pick up and go to war, because people are different and the belief is different, here Dvorkin for kindling the fire of hatred had to do was bring a torch, for example, gather like-minded people, and acknowledge the yogis, psychologists, teachers, Businessmen - sectarians, calling them to tell what they are totalitarian and dangerous, and how well the definitions - Dummy fit. And let there be met, the courts are served, in Dworkin always have an answer for the court. I do not lay out the facts and opinions, and our country is free, and the opinions expressed are not judged. Associates collected, individuals and organizations cultists dubbed - the process went. Conferences, speeches, television, plenty of stories about the nightmares, the horrors being perpetrated "vile hirelings of imperialism," Excuse me, "sects". The media love horror stories, and - whatever. Rating, you know, scandals, fights, nightmares, and then Dworkin came to court. Then the transition he was attacked by an evil Krishna, the policemen were not allowed to scare the sects in some institution, court, death threats - Chernukha, terror, everywhere scandals and sectarians. AD - Martyr and a fighter. Wave picked up by the media, is rolling off and zombiruya brains people horror stories that have become overgrown details, details, inventing new sects and psihokulty, multiply definitions - pacifiers. People coming in karate, is now asking - and you are not a sect, why are you hanging portrait of Sensei? Someone parked their profitable personal fears by dumping the blame for his personal insecurity and worthlessness in the mythical and scary "sect." For example, one very sektoispuganny fighter "psihokultami" explains the care of his girl because she got to "sect". The young man afraid to admit to himself that he was for girls just are not interested, so we need to blame someone for their misfortunes and to begin to deal with windy mills ", just a" psihokultami. The girl was psychological training, and went on in his interesting life, past the hapless admirer who are still struggling with the psychological center, playing their fears, uncertainty, zakompleksovannost. AD sowed horror stories, like the seeds of discord, who relished the many fans of the indiscriminate power.
But do not, people who hide behind the well-intentioned, deceiving others to profit at their expense, raise money and provide poor service or even disappear with the money?
There are certainly still there are those who drag him into the cave and waiting for doomsday. Just to things and phenomena called by their names. If a person commits fraud and criminal act, it is necessary to initiate criminal proceedings, prosecute, punish. If a person is mentally ill, then place him where? That's right - there. There are prosecutors, the police, which should prevent any illegal activity, and the court to make fair decisions. Let the offender will be named - a criminal. All of a clear definition of what a crime, the offender is in the Penal Code. But why is to know Dvorkin? Code is like a dry, casually, without the horrors and nightmares, and another thing to write horror stories, for example, "Loud fiasco sektomafii in Khabarovsk", "Ekaterinburg-sectarian mother killed her infant son and then committed suicide", "Secrets of the murderer from the suburbs: Killer baby was in a totalitarian sect "- is creativity, AD and the company. The main thing is loud headline and fear, which controls the behavior of people and zombiruet them.
If you impose on stamps, labels, vacuous definition - pacifiers, I think, properly guided by their common sense, experience and advice from people you trust. This article - another opportunity to ask questions, think of me want to appeals, slogans and promises, no action, feelings. While we are asking ourselves these questions, we can not be manipulated, causing fear, hatred, malice, who would not wish this.