How to curb the anger?
Anger and irritation - e is natural, it is quite adequate human reactions that are grieving and pain, but worse may be the consequences in the form of broken relationships, unsigned contracts, job loss, and sometimes even - and the court. Some people have a tendency to anger more than others. This is explained mainly innate temperament: the natural speed and strength of nervous processes, rather than poor parenting. In humans, capable of self-stimulation of strong emotions, anger, and anger outwardly may be almost unnoticeable. While continuing to look down inside, they bring a lot of trouble.
If you are an active and decisive man of business, a lot of work, communicate and simultaneously decide within a few days of business tasks, then you may often hear comments from others about your field and irritability. For you surely offended more passive your colleagues, friends and relatives. The high level of innate activity and intensive lifestyle will certainly lead to irritability and anger. The intensity and power of aggressive reactions particularly increases when we have to meet by the inadequate (aggressive, stubborn, tactless), the behavior of others.
What is happening in the business environment with managers? In many cases, repeated stressful situations and tightened, bear big burden on managers to promise an impressive success, but it makes it impossible to achieve. Status subjected managers attacked for performing their work and did not provide them with weapons to fight a response, evoked deep emotions - sorrow, fear, despair, shame, helplessness, frustration and anger. For the survival of managers had to try to repress their emotions and to hide what was going on in their mind.

Managers piled messy nuances, relationships between the conflicting parties and issues on which they attacked with renewed vigor, but it did not give any results. These managers are left with a sense of guilt and the knowledge that no one knew the price that they were forced to pay. Researchers such situations believe that once people spend a huge effort to limit their physical and psycho-emotional capacity, reaching exhaustion, and do not see noticeable results, there are feelings of anger, helplessness, exhaustion - people are "burned". This condition is more serious than the usual stress. Home defining feature of such a "combustion" - people can not or do not intend to return to their previous activities.
View from the outside
Any manager, on his own experience knows how it is sometimes difficult to resist and not to throw out a cluster of negative emotions, not only the source of their appearance, but even someone who just happened to be at the wrong time, wrong place. Especially this undisciplined behavior is typical for managers who have more and the rights and responsibilities. Therefore, they can afford such an emotional breakdown, at best, throwing on the move: "Well, could not resist, the nerves are not the same." But such an officer prevented him from working, and the timid remarks reacts immediately and dramatically. Few dare to reason with irritable fellow, most people are limited to condemning glances in his direction. And yet, how to harness the anger?
Modern psychology suggests two variantaresheniya problem.
The first - the emotions must be kept under control, behave culturally, as befits any civilized man. To address this problem developed many psychological techniques and exercises.
The second is to recognize the necessity and feasibility of an open manifestation of their feelings, both positive and negative. The problem is how to do it acceptable manner.
Anger control
You can not own anything, not possessing, above all, himself. In these words, formulated an illusion, according to which most people are in full control of their behavior. But in most cases we act impulsively, and without realizing his true motives. We do not control yourself and do not wish to control, partly because we are reluctant, partly out of fear to rob life of its unpredictable charm. We want this situation as long as the emotions become uncontrollable beast, which will be virtually impossible to cope.
Continuously work with anger requires stability, effort, and certain development of personality. But for a quick fight with momentary anger, there are rapid techniques. First, physical activity, which is perfectly relieves irritation and aggression. Moreover, it was through your subconscious anger can tell you lack of exercise. In this case, fit and traditional fitness, shaping, bodybuilding and jogging. More often firestorm precedes the moment when we choose the tactics of the further conduct: emotions take control or give vent to feelings. Try this moment to imagine the consequences to splash out of anger, sorientiruetes the situation. Show your anger can and some time later - discharged angry words or actions.
Show their feelings openly
1.Pozvolte yourself to experience feelings such as anger, rage and anger. Admit that you are able to feel these emotions often. Forbidding yourself to experience the "bad" feelings and forcing them out of consciousness, we thereby deprive ourselves of the opportunity to control them. And the opposite: assuming that we can experience negative feelings and allowing yourself to experience them, we gain more control over their emotions and behavior.
2.Pozvolte yourself to experience negative emotions in relation to specific individuals. You better than anyone else know why so relate to them. You will be easier to control your own state if you clearly understand exactly what traits you dislike in people. In addition, you can dislike the man, that it inexplicably combines several unacceptable for you qualities. If the other person is associated with unpleasant to you man, you may unconsciously feel to it the whole range of negative emotions, which you can do. It is therefore important to know what kind of people you most disliked and why.
3.Nauchites diagnose the resulting frustration and anger at the initial stages, at the first sign of their appearance. Stress and bad moods are modified in readiness for violent reactions, which may take forms such as:
• indifferent, insolent, or causing the intonation;
• moody, gloomy, facial expression;
• in speech or in thought arise crude expressions;
• your humor is black and is transformed into a sarcasm;
• you are all nervous, you throw things;
• you are under any pretext tear on employees in the office and at home - his wife (her husband) or her child.
4.Proyavlyayte their emotions at once, as they arise. Notify the person who caused them. Strong feelings can rarely be put down entirely. The desire to deter, supplant, suppress them can lead to stress and a sharp deterioration in health status. A long term stress on the background of the negative emotions, ultimately, can cause chronic disease. In addition, the repressed, negative emotions in some people can be transformed into "explosions". Unable to hold back negative emotions, you are finally picking on someone who you allow it. Unfortunately, often the "victims" of our anger are people we trust and who loves us. It is therefore important to react against it is the person who offended you or hurt.
5.Chuvstvuya that you are about to "explode", simply notify your associates. This will avoid a possible conflict. You simply notify the others of his condition, so they do not get you a hot hand.