How to cure damage to vision or hearing
It is a self-inflicted damage.
Need for a doctor in an empty room and be sure to check that it did not have to mean anything sharp. Before treatment the patient should be detailed propagation, how long he was blind and that the latter saw his eyes. It is important to clarify for any sin, in his view, had happened to him this misfortune, and whom he suspects it's self-inflicted blindness. If sin is defined, ie the patient is aware of sin, he must repent. I must say unfortunate that you have three days will make a secret, and pray for his healing. In this case, the patient also needs the three days fasting and spending time in prayer. It is important to convince unhappy that his repentance should be sincere and deep, otherwise we can not count on success.
It happens that the poor, suspecting someone in damage and lives thinking about revenge perpetrator of their suffering. If a person does not overcome a thirst for revenge, to cure it will be impossible. Body and soul should abide in full humility, faith in God, his strength and his help.
After three days of preparatory proceed to treatment.
Sit the patient on a chair, let him into the hands of a candle. Put next to a jar of holy water, stand behind the patient, add the little fingers, thumbs and middle. Keep your hands above your head and say the patient's conspiracy:

Dawn-Maria comes, the Sun-father gets up from the go P bitter, due to the rivers of salty tears of fast, blind eye. With them, the Lord comes, your eyes will light. Sisters of Saints, skoropomoschnitsy, remove the magical spell from the eyes of a servant of God (name). Amen.
After that, the patient should fumbled hand jar with water and immerse the candle. This water must wash his eyes.
Treatment is carried out for three days in the same sequence.