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How to deal with GAI officers

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How to deal with GAI officers

About that, how to communicate with GAI officers , legends, fables and anecdotes. Unfortunately, many of today's traffic cops - the real professionals of the infringement of our interests, and therefore need to confront them at the highest level. Many people somehow still have an instinctive fear when confronted with law enforcement officers. And strive to get rid of them quickly, discreetly shove crumpled dollar bill. For example, such as my uncle, who passed for a notorious racer braked when he drove through the village. It should be noted that the road was horrible, but because my uncle was driving just 70km / h. Traffic cop did not have time to open and mouth, like his uncle put him in the open window of hundred-ruble bill.

-Thank you, Godspeed, - sighed a happy surprise guardian and uncle pulled from their seats.

-Andrei, what are you doing? - Surprise .- You exceeded by only 10 km / h (!) - It's not even a penalty! For this you can make a maximum of a verbal warning.

Yes, I have hurt his warnings to listen! Got a hundred rubles a gift - and right.

Too many people hold the same principles: what is wasted time to spend and to soil the paper when you can pay. One friend of mine used whenever it slows down, stretching five hundred of the open window, unable to even figure out whether she had violated anything, or she was stopped just to check. Hardly from this policy of our material interests prosper. Not to mention the fact that we ourselves contribute to the development of corruption "on the road." Here are some simple rules to communicate with GAI officers to help you protect your rights and interests.

1.Vsegda keep in the glove compartment of traffic rules and a little book with a penalty. If you are trying to bring some sort of "left" the charge, do not hesitate to get the SDA and kindly ask the inspector: "Excuse me, could you show me what exactly I violated a rule to know for the future?" And if you are trying to breed for a bribe, for a start look at what is supposed to fine and, if the official penalty is less than the amount on which you unwind, politely ask you to write summonses.
2.If the traffic cop trying to accuse you unjustly, not give up too soon. For example, if he claims that you have crossed the double solid, and you have not seen the markup due to snow, etc., take your mobile and shoot the place where the infringement occurred. In court, it can serve as direct evidence of your innocence. True, perhaps before the trial comes. GAI rarely continue to stand on his own, when they see before them a man who knows his rights and not afraid to stand up for them.
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