How to deal with a genius?
It is known that men of genius are often strange and difficult to communicate. With them is not easy to find a common language. They live in another dimension, a world created by themselves, where they are comfortable enough, but not many know that communication with people is not only difficult but also dangerous. The fact is that genius does not live by the laws of the society in which he was born, and by its own rules of life. Oddities and anomalies geniuses can be very diverse. The genius of - is in some ways an anomaly, often bordering on insanity. For example, the famous painter Van Gogh and the famous composer Modest Mussorgsky created a large number of their works, while in a psychiatric hospital.
There have been cases of brilliant attacks in kind of the lives of others. There is, for example, the theory that Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote "Crime and Punishment", based on their own experience: he had himself slipped all the way the hero of the novel Raskolnikov, including the murder of old women. One way or another, and communication with brilliant kind are not always safe. Of course, the genius - a rare phenomenon, but it is possible that you'll ever have to deal with some well-known writer or artist. How to deal with a genius? entered into conversation with a man of genius, do not forget to evaluate his talent, praise him for a or creation that you consider most successful. You may think that the constant praise is already bored to your friend but it is not. Geniuses in something like children: they also need constant recognition and praise each time waiting.

If you are not very well versed in the works of this man, you should not frantically to remember the title of his most famous works. If you suddenly go wrong, then forever lose the opportunity to make contact with this person. If you have not heard anything about the work just introduced you to the master, then you should not tell him about it. Restrict some common compliment like: "I'm your fan" or "I really appreciate your talent." It takes Maitre pleasure. In the future you should not get hung up talking only to work for your friend not to go into a detailed analysis of his works - it will be irrelevant. Best rewound standard small talk: discuss the organization of the party and guests. Of course, if you get trapped if something accidentally offend a celebrity, then predict the reaction of genius would be very difficult: you can pour the remains solidly netsenzurschinoy or champagne or run harder than if you have no taste. So, always be on guard.