How to deal with criticism?
If you have a well-hung tongue and you have the talent debater, I assure you, the best way to quell criticism you will not find! We must only learn to ask questions, and to do it outwardly naive and unsophisticated, but in fact with a delicate calculation - if you do it right, then eventually pound his critics into a corner, bring the conversation to an absurdity, give to understand the man that considers all his attacks ridiculous and meaningless. And most interestingly, the critic really left out in the cold. Let's consider a concrete example. Take the same situation with my husband, who does not like the new wife's blouse. He criticizes her "too much cut and at the same time very unfriendly speaks of his wife's breast (whole breast falls out ... Headers to impudence!").
How to deal with criticism? Here is where the need to apply the method of questions and answers. So, you're the very woman whose breasts "shamelessly throws out of the cut blouses. Rather than take offense at the rude husband, immediately ask him a direct question: "Do not you like my breasts?" Your husband has to be either openly declare that he considers your breasts ugly (thankfully, not all men are solved in such statements because they understand that this is not a joke, such statements could end in tears!), or start a wriggle - a pier, a beautiful chest, but it would be better ... And all you have left - is skillfully set the tone of their questions and wait until your spouse will drive himself into a corner. Very interesting to listen to, among other things. We need only a little practice to questions of themselves fly out of your mouth.
Brought to its logical (but absurd) end is already known to you as husband and wife talk about a new blouse. Wife: "So you think my breasts ugly?" Husband: "No, you have beautiful breasts, but if you do not zagolyala her, she would have been much better!" - "So, my breasts are beautiful just the clothing that is if nobody sees it? "-" Oh, no, and no clothes, it you have a beautiful, but it does not mean you should dump it all out! "-" Well, tell me how to line up a place I can open it? "-" To be decent, but you're all very well know, you're already excreting, I'm mad! "-" Maybe you'll tell me where my chest is indecent? "-" In this dress she indecent "-" And what is obscene breasts? "-" This is your breasts in that dress! "-" And who sets these appearances, are you? "-" Yes, I'm your husband, if you've forgotten! "-" And if this dress was another woman, would you still angry with her? "-" I do not care about other women, I have own wife! "-" You do not like to look at other women with the neckline? "- "What's the difference, we're talking about you and your stupid dress!" - "Still?" - "Like, if you so want to know, all men look at women's breasts, it's normal!" - "So I'll just do not like to bare their chest? "-" I just do not want you to put on that dress, that's all! "-" Do I have ugly breasts? "-" Beautiful, beautiful! .. "
deal with criticism
Cigarette in the ashtray (quenching)
Of course, we now have do not go about the dangers of smoking. There is a way to deal with kritikanami, dangerous people and their sharp tongues - the so-called "quenching." The beauty of this approach is its extreme simplicity. You absolutely nothing to do, no stress - just agree with everything that you will speak, and yours is so peaceful and unexpected in the circumstances, the reaction you disarm critics of personalities, whether your loved ones or completely strangers. In fact - there is no joy to say nasty things to someone who treats them with a smile, a compliment. Now, if you were crying, embarrassed, or fly into a rage - then another thing! In general, I think you understand how you should behave.

Take a simple example of life. You are going to a party and carefully style your hair, locks to locks, fastening their heels, sprinkling with varnish and so on. But then your sister intervenes and begins to itch: "You hair is already damaged chemistry (paint, hair lacquer, hair curlers, etc.). And you still own a hair cheat. It would be better not attracted to your hair too much attention. And in general, would put the mesh on the head, it would be beautiful! "Of course, I understand that it is much easier to quarrel with her sister, but then the mood will be ruined, and the relationship with his sister and then have to somehow recover.
So better not to ignore it. How? Very simple: she says to you that you have damaged hair - readily agreed, saying, yes, spoiled. Hairstyle you too "fancy"? - And do not say-ka, really. With the mesh would be better? - Well, of course, it would be just great! And with all this keep doing what you do, not paying any attention to her sister with her jokes. In the end, the party is walking you, not her (among other things, this is what may be the real cause of her bad attacks against you, and you look pretty good!).
This is what you want to say?
And the last technique, which apply in practice - things fun, as with cold perplexity is very easy to turn the situation so that your abusers suffered from its own same discourtesy. Done it this way: you say something nasty under the guise of concern for your welfare or ostentatious friendliness, and you immediately ask another question as to clarify what was said. This is not the way, which involves bringing the kicker to the white heat: your goal - not to bring the conversation to an absurdity and to make the interlocutor to be confused in their own words. Here another problem - you need to show that the criticism delivered at your address is not in good faith, a man willing to hurt you or humiliate the sting, all you need is cold and openly demonstrate as his abuser, and to all others.
A simple example of life: you're at a party, of course, you want to make a good impression on others and to please anyone from the men. To this end, you're wearing a dress with open back and beautifully fitting your figure. You know what this dress suits you, it just feel it a party and enjoy the company of interesting men. And here you are suited to a lady, and loud enough (to hear all about) tells you that she "understands how you have been hard to resist the temptation and do not wear a pretty dress. Not all backs are ideal, but do not deprive myself as fun, right? .. "
However, instead of feeling offended and indignant loud, scream at the lady (or, alternatively, to blush for a long time to leave in a good mood), you should look closely at the kritikanshu and cold, but extremely polite to ask her: "If I was you understood correctly, you want to say that I have an ugly back? "I assure you, to speak openly to you a nasty woman will not - it requires courage. Pin up and say nasty things disguised - is one thing, but openly rude - it's, you know, quite another thing!
As you can see, your happiness - is it your hands, so do not omit them, do not get discouraged and depressed. If someone is trying hard to make you unhappy, then what is the article, you must go to meet her spiteful critics and help them carry out their dirty venture? It is about your life, your peace of mind and balance, and therefore never and at no one, pay attention! Happiness comes only to those who are waiting for him and is willing to accept. Being happy is simple - try it yourself!