How to deal with discrimination?
What discrimination is, today, everyone knows. Even a sixth-place this concept in school history course. Unfortunately, discrimination - a term not historical. He can be encountered in real life and to this day. My best friend - a very high demand in the capital model. Her name is Catherine, and her looks just as beautiful and exotic as her name. Catherine - a mulatto, charming and sociable, it is one of those girls who has a right to his people and is constantly surrounded by caring friends. Once Catherine had lunch with his old friend, Vitaly. They discussed the past summer, plans for future career success.
Listen, why do you still not appeared on the cover of the magazine «N»? - Said Vitaly .- This is a great, prestigious men's magazine, you would raise their status by becoming a girl with their covers.
Yes, actually, I'd love to - Catherine replied - but how to arrange this? They are not so easy to get to the casting.
-Nonsense! Their editor in chief - a close friend. Now I call him and say about you - and with these words Vitaly strongly typed phone number:
-Hello, Gene, hello, how are you? Nothing? Listen, I've been having dinner with a girl, her name is Catherine O., she model, a real beauty. Heard of it? Ah, even seen it in commercials? Well, even better! Maybe, put her on the cover? No? And why? Well ... - And Vitaly pressed retreat.
-So what? - Asked Catherine.
-Refused - confusion noted Vitali - sorry ...
-Yes, okay, okay, just think - shrugged Katherine - and he did not explain why?
-He said they basically do not publish photos of black models. I'm sorry, says they have a format - only Europoid race.
-Clear - Catherine smiled.
But in fact, nothing was clear. In the yard twenty-first century, and discrimination and denial of rights based on gender, race, nationality, etc. signs still holds. How to deal with discrimination? How to defend its interests?
1.Do not try to get rid of that feature by which you are discriminated against. That is, if you're a woman, do not try to look more masculine. If you are Japanese, do not try to extend his eyes, if the Georgians - do not hide your nose. We all know the example of Michael Jackson, who tried to change the race, and we all know how that ended.
2.Delayte emphasis on its features. (Yes, I am a woman, that's why I can cope with the post of managing the department. Division need a real mistress! "Or" Yes, I Tajik, that's why I can safely entrust the construction of your cottage, because if we discard all prejudices, we are perfectly builders! " .)
3.Stalkivayas discrimination, do not give up at once: "Well, what my chances! There also are taking only the male / Russian / Muscovites! "If each of us will pass, the situation will never change for the better.