How to deal with his inability to bring the matter before the end of
Do you remember how you were born? I mean the process of birth? Of course not. Well, that's really what it is known from the stories of mothers, so this is what injuries were received during this process, and how the process took place. Well, that is, physiologically or Caesarean, was not a choking, etc. I'm not going to hold you insight into medicine, but I want to share some interesting facts. Maybe he is no longer news, but they know about it yet, very few. Very few. Namely, the process of childbirth, and injuries at birth, played a key role in the conduct of our way of life. Paradox? Brad? Sci-Fi?
Maybe. I probably think so too, until one interesting moment. There is one training, which is called the "birth experience". There are all built so that the participants are physically carried out a simulation of passage through the birth canal. And when you find yourself in this same channel, all in the mind is stirred, and you feel so baby who was born .... The number of years ago. So, going through a second time his birth, with this mind, this life experience, you can track the system, as we walked into this world, and as we step on it.
There are people who at the time of his birth have some physical injury. It could be dislocations, fractures. And they stay for life. That is, the injury itself is certainly heal, but we know, nothing happens for a reason. And these injuries carry some information already, even for such a life crumbs. I know a case when a man came to the training and said that he, at birth, was damaged shoulder. After passing the training on "birth canal", straightened his shoulder, and the attitude to life has become more optimistic.
Like, there is nothing unusual is happening. But many people in the discussion of feelings, was told that the passage of the channel, they reached the halfway point, and then waited for them to help "doctors". Could this mean that in real life these people do not bring it to the end and wait in the middle of the road, and when they push forward?
I think so. When they asked this question, all recognized that this feature is inherent in them. But how to deal with this? How to make yourself a tireless getter your goals? Is it worth it? I know for myself that I always had a hard time in the middle of the road. And I often threw begun, because burn out. But when all the same, with someone - that means, or collecting all their forces into a fist, to achieve the desired, then the joy and pride for ourselves there was no limit.
Passage of this training has not helped me get rid of this property, but helped me to understand why it is so! And now when I start to "fade" in the execution of any business, I remember that you need to make quite a bit of effort and the result is unsurpassed.
But to use such means, it is necessary to feel themselves the reason for his behavior. Of course, not everyone is able to undergo such or similar training. But many people believe that the ability to not bring the matter before the end of this big problem.
I would like to help them. Let's try. To begin with everyone who wants to get rid of this "disease" should be interviewed in front of himself. Ask yourself, what stops you in achieving the goal? Estimate roughly on what part of the way, you coming this state? What you need for what would achieve the desired?
Should not respond to someone, and yourself. If you tell it to someone, you can slukavit, in order to justify himself. A ridiculous lie to yourself, you still lose. Many people admit that they do not go to the end, because emotionally burn out. Putting a lot of time and effort to achieve the desired, the goal is black and white, not having basically nothing that could attract to achieve it. Therefore, sometimes should refer to a friend, who recalled what you were guided when get down to business. Or themselves, in the beginning, write down on paper the emotions, all the positive aspects of the outcome of the case, his plans and hopes. Then, when it's a big "bummer", take this piece and try to survive all over again.
But without a conditional, the driving force behind all of your cases, there is willpower. And she should pay tribute, because that's what she works miracles of healing terminally ill patients, to achieve the unachievable, the wishes come true. But in its absence, people often feel insignificant and accordingly - miserable.
How do you make so that the force will sleep with us every night together, and in the morning take a shower and cook dinner? Unfortunately for the lazy, will-power develops only in its use. It multiplies only when it is used. Start with the little one. Squat 10 times every morning. Of course if you are an athlete (or vumen), and squat of 100 times, do not reduce their workload. Do what you do not want to, but it is beneficial. Read the morning or evening prayers, your child practice creativity, develops into an interesting but difficult to access area. Choose for yourself, than you can train the willpower. Then increase the standard. You certainly can ask someone from the family, to help you. But the best hope for themselves.
Now you can test how strong your willpower. Stand up straight, pull your hands forward and spread them apart. Set your thumb so that it points up. And so prostoyte exactly 10 minutes. This test is for you, so I recommend not read any further, yet not satisfied. What feelings you experienced during the test? Does the inner voice: so why do you need? It's just ridiculous game. Here at the right moment, your willpower will work at 100%. Dip your hands.
Then he could have something itched. And if you continue to hold hands, itching even worse. In general, the strength of their willpower you can now judge for yourself. How much you have survived and will be your estimate to you the same.
Even such a complex problem as the feature does not bring the case to the end, can be overcome. Regardless of where it was purchased, in the birth canal or in life. And be careful, because when elaboration of this problem, you can cool off in the middle of the road, and you have a desire to quit. Read again our recommendations, and I hope they will help you.