How to deal with his "ugly"?
What to do if the expression "ugly" does not want "removes"? Each person has their own methods, but if between them there was nothing, probably would not have psychology as a science, and psychotherapists, who, as one reader wrote in a letter to me, "a difficult moment will give stupid advice or a pill." Why go to a therapist? Who can you know better than you do? How to deal with his "ugly"? straight from tomorrow's start to fight "bad guys", who is sitting inside.
-Treat him sweetly - from him dobreyut.
-Feed the chocolate from his mood improves, or ice cream, which taste very similar to breast milk, and therefore returns a person peace of mind, gives pleasure.
Stop-look evil and bad the movie ends, do not read sad books - except in real life few reasons for the disorder to add?
-Buy yourself something for that long ago it was a pity money.
-Fall in love.
-In my spare time when you will not be disturbed, to dream about what you are beautiful, graceful, as you guys hung in batches. After a pleasant thought mentally "promassiruyte" themselves, walk on a smooth, wrinkle-free forehead, massage the chest, abdomen, legs, imagining what you all Gorny, a pretty and young. Exercise to perform well before bedtime.
-Once and for all stop to associate what is happening to you in life, with the exterior. Do you think that men do not like you because you are overweight? Nonsense! It's just an extra excuse to not watch yourself in the "puffy" state and acquire a guilt complex, looking at their shape and realizing that the force will go in for sports and go on a diet in the next five years will not appear. So whether or not to spoil his life and envy hudyshki, these disfiguring his appearance?
-More often walk on air, travel on the environment. If you do not have enough willpower, get a dog - it will force you to make regular walking.
-Convince yourself that there are many reasons to rejoice, take a look around and cheer yourself by finding a "smeshinku" in someone else's words or actions.
-Learn how to stop time. Eternal race still no one has done more beautifully. And the chief of overtime without your fine will cost, and the family without monetary gain for those overtime, and the husband did not die from the fact that after working for half an hour you went into a cafe for a cup of coffee or proshvyrnulis shopping.
-Change the mood with the hair color. Artificial "blond" makes women more relaxed and sexy, red - gives "chertovschinku" young, black - the color of vamp, who knows how to get his, dark brown - the color stability, Home, and Brown makes women the darker the natural hair color more gracious and accommodating. The more extravagant hairstyle, the more confident you should behave, not afraid to be different, but watching what character traits "pulls" from you this or that color.
-Never, under any circumstances do not allow yourself to blossom. You should always take care of yourself, even if there is no time and bore down fatigue. Several steps connivance, and you do not have time to look, how to turn into a creature of indeterminate age, having nothing to do with the word "beauty."
-Let someone else at something and feel important and generous.
-Pity someone and feel strong and lucky.
-Make someone a compliment and feel generous, kind and nice in all respects.
-Do something unusual, but terribly interesting.
-If you do not give rest to sad thoughts, boldly grasp the very messy and long-delayed deal in the house. Wash the floor or terribly dirty gas stove, to tear the bathroom. Water will wash away a bad mood, and physical activity will have a rest "boiling brain."
Tips for improving mood and character you can think of itself or somewhere subtract, but as long as the person himself does not understand what he needs, what is important to him, any advice will help. The pessimist will always find a reason for something to complain about, but if there is no reason, make himself badly and with a clear conscience posokrushaetsya over "man-made" disaster. If you look closely, these troubles are not so many, many problems are born and die in our heads, destroying us and our beauty. This is wrong, it's bad. A man may feel nervous, could flare up and grumble, but next to a beautiful and comfortable in all respects a woman he is sure to melt away, "tamed", calm down. And do not fight it. What a "woman" pursued by scandals and a rolling pin, the other self lies in your hands. A man willing to do much for a beautiful woman. And many are ready to do so as not to lose it, and we are stupid, all struggling, trying to prove something, robs men of responsibility and authority, and then wonder - where gray complexion, dull eyes and wrinkles? All there - from nezhenskih Affairs and facial expressions that a person only by men. I believe that beauty will save the world, if not all, then some of its members - by far.