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How to deal with neuravnoveshannymi people

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How to deal with neuravnoveshannymi people?

We are conveniently and comfortably communicate with people from whom we know what to expect. We can assume that the people upset when he heard the bad news that he will be glad when he was notified that something pleasant. But we can meet on the way people from whom you never know what to expect - people with unstable mentality. We know that people in stressful, extraordinary situations can succumb to emotions flared and fall, for example, in an emotional shock or heat of passion. Unbalanced people are able to break at any moment, often when you least expect it. In a completely normal situation, without the annoying factors of deranged person can throw a tantrum, pick up the cry, cry, etc. The behavior of such people can be not only strange but also dangerous. They can scream at a nearby person, absolutely nothing to do with his problems, they can hit or even encroach on human life.

If you've noticed that quite a quiet and calm a colleague or friend suddenly shows signs of aggression or anger, you should be careful in dealing with this person. Such people tend to hoard the negative energy to a certain point, calmly endure the reproaches and accusations in his address, not a word in response will not tell your abuser, but when negative energy is accumulated, any innocent joke about him, or accidentally thrown the word may be a the reason for his discharge energy. neuravnoveshannymi How to communicate with people? In fact such people are very painfully rebukes and reprimands, although they may not show it. The main thing - do not give a person to accumulate enough negative energy to disrupt. Try it, "unload", talk to him heart to heart, talk about their failures.

If you are still unable to prevent the breakdown of time, then it is not necessary to require the person to stop a tantrum and take himself in hand. He will still need to throw out everything that has accumulated. Proceed to calm down, just when you feel that wave of anger was asleep when a person simply starts crying surge. During the period of sedation is not necessary to be kept close enough exercise from time to time favors: do not forget pour hot tea, wrap the person in a warm blanket. The main thing that he did not feel deprived of attention. If such forms of disruption will be repeated, or if you feel that a person can cause someone to harm from others, then it is best to send him for medical advice.
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