How to deal with rejected suitor?
Probably, every self-respecting girl typed about a half-dozen rejected her suitors, suffering from a non-reciprocal love for her. What to do with? Can I find them a place in your life? Probably not the girl in the world without breaking any hearts. And if you have such a spurned suitor who loves you tenderly, passionately, and non-reciprocal, then the question arises, what to do with it? How to deal with rejected suitor?
Make friends at first is not recommended. Because such a proposal on your part can give a person some hope. And as he neither explained and any firm, that between you nothing can be, he will still try to get you. Moreover, his mental state is likely to range from euphoric glimpses of hope to despair and even hatred for you. Admit it, such prospects for the relationship is not a pleasant one. Therefore, friendship with Romeo sufferer can start only after a hundred percent sure that his ardent desire to see you finally burned out.
So it is still possible to somehow use the lover in you a man or is it inhumane? Personally, I think it's cruel. And then, do not forget about the law of the boomerang world: we always get what they themselves have sown. So if you try to use the feelings of the person, then too it is likely that one day and you do the same. Of course, many enterprising girls are actively exploiting the poor Romeo. Firstly, to raise self-esteem. In love with a man acts on female self-confidence is better than designer shoes.
There is a great opportunity to once, to feel not a victim of the whims of men, and the queen, the dealer's mercy, femme fatale, an exemplary Heartbreakers.
Secondly, in love with you non-reciprocal man unwittingly working on your image elegant seductress and charming coquette. The more in your arsenal of victims, not to please your choosiest taste, the more interest you call a woman. This creates the illusion of a complex target. In the public eye you become a girl, which is difficult to conquer. A forbidding girls - it is always attractive prey for the strong and confident men.