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How to defend

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How to defend

Maria Semyonovna always said that what with his ill-wishers to compete so sort out their evil shoot better once and for all put on their defense. The point is not too troublesome. But we must still at it a little time to spend. Work a little and get the best result that neither is better. No you will not cause harm, either intentionally or foolishly. All of you will be like water off a duck roll. Who do you wish to evil, in the very it will fly. But this is not your thing. And most importantly - what you'll oberezheny on every day, whatever you do, wherever I went, with whom life brought you to either.

Protection we will have multi-layered. If something is missing, nothing terrible happened should not. Just remember that you are in each degree of protection is wrapped, as in kolchuzhku. And the more layers you, the more these kolchuzhek, the harder you beat.

1.Kupite small and large icons of the sacred. Great in a bedroom in his head hang, but in a small bag always keep. She will always be with you and you will be protected. And in a bag that no thief can not climb.

2.Kazhdoe morning begins with a prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy most pure Mother, holy and God-bearing father of our people, and all the saints, have mercy on me. Amen.

And the cross, as able, three-fold. (Maria Theodore recognizes, like her ancestors, only Old Believers dvoeperstie, but says it is better to do troeperstie than nothing at all.)
3.Kazhdoe morning starts with a sip of holy water. Maria Fedorov said that once enough of the Epiphany Church of the Holy Water to bring home, you can continue it all the time to refill, because new water merged with the old, is sanctified.

4.Kazhdoe morning to the mirror and say these words, looking at him:

I look at myself, I see the image of God. This way of bowing, this image bank, no it does not offend, not a bad idea vilify, the word evil is not burdened. Who will look at me, everyone will see this image, venerates, worships. Amen.

5.Kogda speak to a stranger, and he tells you that bad, or, conversely, very good, cross your fingers behind the pile and thought says:

Dog breshet, whirlwind blows. Exploits, a dog, the wind blows, your words will carry. I'm standing on the edge, do not listen to myself I do not take. Amen.

6.Doma always keep in a clay pot two branches of aspen.

7B kitchen hang five heads of garlic, woven into braid of urine.

8.Esli who came to visit, though one, though little known person, even if your relative, take a moment, toss it in your pocket pinch of poppy seeds nagovorennyh. Slander them so. We should put a little more poppy seed in clay pot, crossed himself three times and say:

Take with a poppy, I am God, and you're wrong. Turn away, the enemy, otzhenisya, Satan, unclean spirit, "Get behind me. Who will come with the bad, he will go to Satan.

Trouble on the poppy can be only for people with bad intentions come to you.

9.Kogda you are visiting someone stole a crisscross their food. Better yet, carry a puzyrechek nagovorennoy with some water and drink a spoonful of some water before eating. If someone would ask what it will say that such a medicine. Slander in the water should be as follows:

Vodytsya holy, golden dawn, save, save, and evil has saved. Of human evil, from evil eye, from the poison in the food from spoiling in the drink. Amen.

10.Kazhdy evening for the night read "Our Father" for three to twelve times.

11.Nu, but on different occasions, use those charms that Maria Semyonovna prepared for You. Rewrite them to hem dress, or place where you want and all you'll be fine, no bad no trailer.
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