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How to defend its interests at work

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How to defend its interests at work

"How?" - You ask .- After all, I just peretupila entered this office. Not the fact that I take. Must first appeal, and then to start download right! "On the one hand, it is true, of course. But on the other hand, why are you so sure that will please the employer, if you only obsequious nod, yes, but on the question: "What salary would you like to receive?" - Mumbled something like: "I do not need much ..." Stop! So it will not work. Today is a really big companies are interested in finding employees who know what they need and are able to assert their rights.

If you're asked why you left previous jobs, do not hesitate to tell the truth: "I do not like the level of wages / lack of career prospects / work seven days a week." Shy is not worth it if you really care about the question as to defend their interests at work . After all, your sincerity will help the employer better understand what you seek and how to present further cooperation. If you are interested in a potential employee, you have just will not try to offer low-paying jobs.

Another subtle point - you're talking about salary. Once the employer sets the insidious question: "How much would you like to receive?" Or "What kind of salary do you expect?" As most people somehow in front of stupid, dumb and forgets how much money they need for a comfortable quiet life. For example, my friend Lika once during the interview in a very prestigious (and very well-off company) got into a mess. She so passionately wanted to get it to this company that the following question: "Wages in the monkey suit you?" - Do not hesitate to blurt out "yes." And then I remembered that even the rent of her flat is worth six hundred dollars. Do not hurry.

If you are offered work on certain conditions, do not hesitate to take time out and have a good think. In cases where you do not like the estimated wages are not afraid to be honest to admit it. Do not think about what you consider a greedy or arrogant person. Not at all. That's how much you value yourself and your work. So even if you feel uncomfortable, the brute himself, and ask that the salary that you want to receive. In the end, if you fail, awkwardness will last no longer than five minutes, and if the employer agrees to your conditions, you'll get good money for a very long time. So it is worth the risk.

Stuffing your price

When you first come into a new company, it is easy to impersonate a first-class staff with relevant ambitions and needs. But what if you have long been working in your company and your boss does not think you raise? Do I need to speak with his boss about the salary? The simple answer is: yes, yes and yes again! A lot of employees makes the same mistake: keep silent, until recently, believing that sooner or later the boss' notice, which I am a good worker, and I raise myself. " Hope this is just silly. Your boss probably a busy man, and he did not have to walk around the office and "notice" something.

If you are obsessed with thoughts like: "Well, why he raised this fool Katka and not me? I'm a hundred times more work "or" Does he not see that on my salary is very hard to survive and feed his family? ", You know, your boss does not know what it is -" to survive on your salary, and the concept of not that you're more Katka. Why?Yes, because you are to him about it did not say! A Katka, apparently managed to warning in advance and are now enjoying an increase, a raise and a new cabinet. So why do not you do the same? The easiest way to talk about a raise - to use a situation where your boss happy. If you have proved effective in some project or your boss publicly praised, it's time to catch the moment! Sign up to see him. Thank him for his attention to your work. Say that appreciate his praise. You can say something like: "I am very much value the work in this company, my career means a lot to me, and I'm ready to (a) work harder. But I would like to know if I can count on a raise and a pay rise? If so, how soon? "

However, sometimes lead to increased and conflict situations. For example, my uncle worked in low-paid, but the beloved work. He worked there only because he adored his job and enjoyed every working day, respect the staff and leadership. But one day he made a slight mistake. Head called him "the carpet" and a long scolding. By the end of the monologue patience of my cousin snapped: "So, so, once I'm such a bad fellow, fine, fire me and find another fool who will work hard for such a penny." Head of fussing, and immediately said that the dismissal, he did not dream, just continue to be careful and ... "But now I purpose to dismissal - said my uncle - not going to work where I do not appreciate. Either you increase my salary by half, or I'm leaving. " Of course, he was promoted. Because a truly valuable footage to lose unprofitable to anybody!

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