How to determine the sex of a person
In Pos. 3, half man, fell Arkan Seven of Wands, an odd man, "Janské" number.
In the second incarnation - the man.
Note . If in the triple Arcane escort no points should then proceed as follows: add up the number of quality indicators triple Arcana, from standard to numerology, namely: pages, messengers - 11 points, the Knights - 12, Ladies - 13 Kings - 14; spectacle retain their full potential.
Example: in the top three escorts fallen arch: Page of Cups, King of Pentacles, King of Swords. Amount:
12 + 14 + 14 = 40.
Even number, gender - female.
A person's name in this incarnation - Alexander, write it in Hebrew. Then take a full deck of the Major Arcana, spread from right to left Arcana under each letter Hebrew name of this incarnation, then read the name: LKSNDR (Alexander).
Work on block A is completed.
Continue to layout the Arcane.
Hooking up a deck of any of the Tarot deck of Paracelsus and shadows. Vector of health of the physical body is determined by two Arcana Tarot Paracelsus posted in the Arkan I, The Magician (in the deck of Paracelsus - Paracelsus, doctor himself).
In our case fell Arcana: Ace of Pentacles and Wands Nine. Interpretation will be given below, in context with other parameters of fate.