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How to distinguish a true love from the false

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How to distinguish a true "love" from the false?

Women in Love want to be recognized by every moment in love. For many, there is no stronger evidence of a strong feeling than three treasured words: "I love you." For them simply inconceivable that these magic words can utter insincere people. When I first heard of your chosen acceptance in love, you make sure in your feelings of reciprocity. Gradually, these admissions are for you a compulsory part of your relationship. It seems inconceivable to sleep without hearing once again the cherished words. Can not imagine that the favorite would say nothing, to hear from you: "I love you."

But, unfortunately, a verbal declaration of love is not always a guarantee of sincerity. We are too often used in speech verb "to love" in quite a different meaning, just with a different meaning: "I like to walk, I like tomato juice, I like good weather." Therefore, the word gradually began to lose its head and the basic meaning - expression of genuine feelings. By the way no longer treated as sacred, which is a secret, deeply intimate feeling. Relying on a verbal recognition of your vote, you risk being cheated.

Men of experience know that women love with their ears, therefore, possessing the talent of rhetoric, could easily convince you of his feelings. If a man wants to seduce you, then you can be sure it will delight your ears every second long confessions and scattered in compliments. How do you distinguish a true "love" from the false? " Do not rely on their intuition, because under the magic words you can lose the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood. Believing his words can only be on condition that he not only loves to talk about her feelings, but also proves their devotion in other ways - if he cares about you, protects them from the difficulties around seeking help, trying to be near as long as possible and is willing to do all of you to be happy.

It is believed that the sincerity of feeling is directly dependent on the beauty and originality of recognition of your chosen one. From such errors affected the Shakespearian hero King Lear. He took for true love eloquent praise of the two older daughters, greedy, and a real sense of her youngest daughter could not identify because she could not find appropriate words - "Love ... I wealthier than words ...." Be careful not to repeat the mistake of King Lear: Do not just rely on the eloquence of your vote, thinking that the more voluble your beloved, the more he loves you.
Real "love" can not be calculated on beauty descriptions and depth of thought. Often, truly love a person can not, clearly and beautifully describe what he feels: he often embarrassed the upcoming recognition, and no training before the mirror can not prepare it - it will still be nervous and stammer. What comes from the heart, it is impossible to express in words, it is not subject to human language. So do not be hard on your beloved if he is not too strong in rhetoric - is not an indication that his feelings for you are insincere.
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