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How to diversify sex

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How to diversify sex?

If you are already a long time together, for sure you have a certain sexy, familiar and comfortable rhythm, of course dull. How to diversify sex? Try to break a comfortable rhythm.

- Try to have sex in an unusual time of day. Change the fastest morning "meeting" at the elegant long evening.

- Change the lighting in your bedroom. Add the flavors that help to increase sexual desire: these are the smells of rosemary and patchouli.

- Less than eat at night and how you can spend less time watching television, which vampires life energy, less fat, meat, lots of spicy and hot, seafood, eggs. This diet will help restore potency and sexual desire. Television affects our body as fat and Refried food. Besides TV shows we encode the brutality and cynicism about the partner, leave a trace in memory. Sooner or later, at the slightest conflict with someone you love this whole TV sediment "will emerge from the bottom" of memory and will be poured out on your partner (partner).

- Share with your partner your sexual fantasies, telling what you plan to do with him in bed next weekend. Or in the evening - for this it's best to call him during the day on my mobile (but not during an important meeting). In bed, recite whatever you are doing or intend to do at the moment. Unfortunately, people often say they hate the partner.

- If your sex life is poisoned by "witnesses" - mom behind a wall or a child in the crib, try to be alone. In an extreme case, take a trip to the country together. And you will realize how amazing I feel like having sex. The opportunity to reach the soul, not wearing his robe, or expressing their delight in his voice, not thinking about what you hear - it's not all the nuances of freedom that bring pleasure.

In any case - go to meet each other, intimate life - a fragile state, which must be protected together. In a pair of admissible whatever suits excites and gives the pleasure of two, if it does not injure health. Feeling each other, trying to meet - this is probably the only recipe for long sexual happiness.
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