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How to expand its model of the world

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How to expand its model of the world?

Model of the world - this is how a person sees the world, then, as it reflects the consciousness of this world. Some people model the world is straightforward and primitive, like a stone ax of primitive man, in others it is complex and cumbersome, at the third light and harmonious, and t.d.Kazhdaya world model is designed for the survival of its carrier and its adaptation to the outside world. Each model has its strengths and weaknesses. People living in one society, under similar environmental conditions have specific characteristics that are common to their models of the world, but unusual for people belonging to another the society.

As part of its world model, each convinced that he is right, and subjectively, it is true. Man, not prone to constant improvement, not having enough wisdom from time to time to go beyond the narrow confines of their familiar views, knowing that there are other, less adequate views of life, usually stuck on the mortgaged to it in childhood system of values and no further exposes her to review.

The difference between the perception of the world by people of East and West, in particular, is in a different sense of the word "learn." For the Europeans, "study" means to accumulate knowledge, for the most part useless in real life. In the Eastern sense, this word means "to perceive the world" that is very different from learning. A person can read thousands of books and fill your mind a lot of information, but its model of the world will remain as tiny and tight, which was a ten-twenties.
The followers of Shaw, the Tao as a workout to expand its model of the world deliberately chose people with alien to the spirit of their models and learn to see the world through their eyes. On the one hand, this exercise increased their ability to be productive interpersonal communication as the ability to understand another person - the key to cooperation and understanding, but on the other hand, analyzing the model of the world alien to them, the Warriors life trying to find them new and useful elements that were lacking in their own programs, and expand their models of the world, introducing them to these new elements.

How to expand its model of the world? expand its model of the world through communication with others is much easier than doing it only through meditation and awareness through psycho associated with the introduction of a world model for new programs. This is due to the fact that only by imagination and the representation is often difficult to trigger new and unaccustomed to yourself emotions or feelings, based on which new programs should be entered into the model of the world. The difference between independent single occupations and emotional contact with the carrier model of the world, having the right programs, roughly the same as the difference between reading the script interesting play and watching the same play performed by a great actor. The talented actor is not just reading text, it charges the spectators heat of his passions, literally flooded room emanating from him emotional waves that viewers do not perceive the ears or mind, and literally all his body, absorbing them at the subconscious level.

Emotionally cold man is hard to imagine that is true love, because, having no real experience of love, he can only create a level of intelligence some idea about this feeling, which will hardly help him to love. At the same time, talked for quite a long time with a person who generously gifted with the ability to love other people, family, children or animals, emotionally cold man, if he did not deliberately isolate themselves from the unfamiliar, and perhaps even absurd to feel well, gradually tuning in on someone who radiates love, "snatching" his emotions, trying to understand it and empathize with him, eventually will be able to feel the love in his heart and realize how poor his life was without the ability to experience this feeling.


It often happens that our models of the world lacks not only what is generally considered to be "positive" traits, but also features in the sense of public morality "negative". In terms of Shaw-Tao personality traits were not divided into "good" and "bad." Everything depended not on the name of each individual traits, but on how it manifested itself, and what were the consequences of its manifestations both for the owner of this line, and for others. In the example, which I now give you, the imperfect model of the world is in excess of "positive" personality traits and a distinct lack of some "negative" traits such as egotism and selfishness. It is easiest to expand its model of the world, communicating with people who you are missing the program expressed in the most vivid, even absurd form. There are situations when the struggle with the circumstances was the best solution, but I noticed that even in cases where this fight was no point when I had to just accept and adjust, my body automatically adjusts to the fight, and for release into the blood hormones, I felt excitement and irritation.

Using the principle of stimulus - "escaping from the tiger, according to which a person deliberately puts himself in a situation where he would be forced to do something that would not have done under other circumstances, the followers of Shaw-Tao placed themselves in a situation where they were forced to the best interact with native speakers quite alien to their world models. For this, they periodically change their country of residence, learning new languages, new customs and traditions, and absorbing the best that was alien culture, while at the same time without losing their individuality. Thus, they further extended their model of the world, bringing in their perception of reality a fresh stream. Ability to adapt quickly, the interest in knowing other cultures and expand their models of the world allows a calm easily join in any community of people who are not suffering from nostalgia, social and cultural isolation.
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