How to explain to the child that it is dangerous?
Have you ever filmed, as a child directly to the reservoir is crossing guard and a moment later disappeared in the depths of a muddy pond? I had a chance. What was I thinking at that moment? Amazing! That's my baby walks among the trees, I continued to direct the focus of the lens, so he came to the pond. When I saw that he raises a leg to step over the fence, I was speechless. Baby saved my friend's dad. He immediately following the instinct, without hesitation rushed him into the water. As it turned out, covered with mud pond show a child just a lawn. The fact that under the grass may be water or a pit, our children do not even know if the personal experience or through their parents have not passed this lesson.
How to explain to the child that it is dangerous? child in an unfamiliar environment is better to show him and explain that it is dangerous and what is not. Up to five years in a child not yet developed a sense of self, and in this age come ridiculous fall into pools, rivers and ditches. Well, if you have a premonition or a lightning-fast reaction, but it is better to try to prevent similar trouble. Even if the child hit you with his speech, it does not mean that he is so smart that he is able to calculate a fraction of a second degree of hazard.
Since the beginning of September in the kindergarten for a walk with my parents, we were surprised to find that this topic is close to many people. During the summer of a group of fifteen men three kids managed to fall into a pond, stream and pool, respectively. So that the statistics of our group - twenty per cent. Teach your kids behavior in unfamiliar places, outdoors, in a house on the street. Do not stop screaming "anywhere from me not waste!", And tell us what's what, and a happy vacation or trip will be provided. What dangers lie in wait for children and do not threaten us?
The fall from a chair or bench. Two-year son of my friend got a concussion after falling from a harmless loungers on the sand azure. Dogs! A tiny lap dog is capable of causing frightened squeals of little girls, and at the same time, torn into backyard dog fights will attract other kids, confident that this wonderful toy is designed for pulling his ears. Try to tell your child that a direct look into the eyes of a dog is an animal aggression and encourages the attack. And if you come to visit, where your pet, your favorite child will not be bored staring at the "landlord" as long as you drink tea.

On the line look thrown everything: cats and dogs. Tested on oneself as a child four times! And anyway, until I read about this in the book, could not understand what they want from me, because I'm just trying to make contact. Look. Surgeon at Children's Department once commented that the dog bites to children are very dangerous because the dog's mouth is located at the forearms and face the child. A number of attacks remains high.
Current. Now selling plastic covers for the outlets. And when the crumb reaches two and a half - three years, explain that all the wires are fraught with the power of fire. Especially boys like mystery wire, it bends, shines, and it wants to pull out. Your task is to explain that this is a dangerous enemy. In the cities, where everywhere are communicating with perpetual repair, it must be done in the first place! And my grandmother, for example, which was the first close up all the sockets in the apartment, managed to give the baby a bath machine on batteries. Baby machine "bitten" shock, and a favorite toy for a long time turned into an unidentified object blue. Since then, he unconsciously prefers orange and red toy technology.
When a child is aware of the danger?
Closer to five years in the arsenal of the child is a sufficient experience to identify hazards and begin to work a sense of self-preservation. And before that age would be nice if parents teach that water, fire, elevation, cold, talk, traffic, animals can be very dangerous. I want to tell you about one particular child's perception, because of which there are ridiculous cases, surprising adults. This - the size of incommensurability. Children perceive the subject as fact, without reference to the size and weight. Perhaps you ever seen a baby tries to shove an apple in the bottle or tries to get into a toy car the size of a palm? Girls playing with miniature utensils, as the present, while the boys are crying, begging her mother to take the train home.
I know a kid whose main fear was the fear of falling into a hole in the sink, and he was shivering from fright when he had to wash their hands. He really was sure that there is an opportunity to sink into this small hole and be washed out flow of water. But he is constantly shocked by his mother because climb on the window sill and was not afraid of heights. Indeed, what is there to worry, because down there, a familiar road! And they live on the sixth floor ...
Among the children's fears, there is a fear to cling to the cud fall in elevator shaft through centimeter gap, as it is ridiculous - the fear to fly to the sky through the open window in the car. All these feelings have nothing to do with reality, and the most dangerous thing starts when the child for the same reasons incommensurability walks into a river, falls from a window or stuck in a tiny lumen. One must always consider this factor! Child's brain matures gradually. Do not expect that up to five years, the child will be adequately evaluate the possibilities of the environment. The problem of adults - to be around and teach the child, as t