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How to fight stress

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How to fight stress

Our lives, unfortunately, is full of unpleasant moments and stresses. Most susceptible to natural stresses women because they are being vulnerable and impressionable. And make a mountain out of a molehill - is generally an innate ability of each representative of the fair sex! Working women are doubly stressful because not only are family problems impose a heavy burden on her fragile shoulders, so still and work every day presents "surprises". So how do you save the Olympian calm and attune themselves to positive?

Need as possible to minimize the annoyances that surround us, and the first stimulus is ... alarm clock! You will not believe, but it turns out annoying sounds, waking us in the morning, help us ... aging! Morning alarm bells for the body is stress. At the time of forced awakening in our lovely ladies, are involuntary contraction of facial nerves, we're unhappy frown, because both want to get some more sleep! So, regular involuntary contractions of facial muscles result, sadly, to the formation of wrinkles and premature aging ...

I'm not talking about that clock we just spoils the mood, because we jumped wildly and frantically start going to work! Of course without an alarm clock does, but you can make the effects of a call to our nervous system is not so annoying! Now, all mobile phones are equipped with alarms, so the most ideal way to wake-up call will be your favorite tune! Set the time to rise for 15 minutes before the interval with a recurrence of melodies in 5 minutes. Quiet melody wake you "gently" in the stock will have 15 minutes to soak up the bedside. Do not forget sweet stretch before getting up - this procedure will remove all the spasms of blood vessels and muscles!

So you woke up, washed and looking in the mirror ... was horrified to find that today, you just look disgusting, like yesterday and day before yesterday ... but also ... Lovely woman be clear about one simple thing - during the work week when you get up in the crack of dawn and after a hard day as a draft horse pulling bags of food home, then standing at the stove, and at night trying to be still and hot and passionate - it is impossible to morning looks like a goddess! And it's not because you're ugly, or worse of all, and so - that your body is tired and wants a rest, and fatigue and stress are displayed on our face, unfortunately. So no morning looking at myself in the mirror to be overly critical - just perfect gods! Let's have some fun and try to rectify the situation. Every morning you ready to be ice cubes. It is desirable to make the ice from a decoction of herbs, it can be a sage, calendula, chamomile, yarrow. These herbs will remove inflammation and invigorate your skin. Wipe the face for a minute with ice, and then carefully pat themselves on the face. Part of the broth absorbed, and patting normalize the blood circulation through the vessels on the face will glow. Now, that is another matter!

Next stimulus - public transport. If the alarm can be replaced, but with the person to make a few useful procedures to improve appearance, then here to get to work without going through public transport, does not succeed. Of course, we do not take into account the happy owner of your own car or riding on a work by taxi or car service. All working women know perfectly well what is the rush hour. Evening rush hour traffic through much easier, because you go with the idea that you'll soon be home, but in the morning, when the working day ahead, and around all the pushing and cursing, and to top it all you tear the last pair of tights - to adjust itself to positive very hard!

However, the output is always and in any situation. First, you can go to work for about 15-20 minutes earlier than usual, then will be able to successfully settle in public transportation and save your nerves. Second, you can listen to music on the road, headphones in ears, a favorite radio station and you do not have to listen to "strong" word of the working population. Third .. and again on pantyhose, if you can not go before, as an option you can wear long skirts or pants and then the problem of torn stockings you stop worrying in general. And if you still want to wear a short skirt at work or at a certain dress code, which does not allow you to put on pants, practice - changing clothes. You can get to work in trousers and a long skirt. Uncomfortable you say? Probably, but when the week to throw a third pair of pantyhose can not help you catch yourself thinking that in changing the meaning, yet there is!

So, you're at work! And you even remove maintain good spirits, though not for long ... you were not able to cross the threshold, but behind your back is already whispering .. Alas, gossip and intrigue in almost every group - not a rare phenomenon. But whether because of this the whole day to go in yourself? Plug headphones into your ears and pretend nothing is happening, of course, does not work, but the clean room of negative energy and set the team on the positive - available to everyone.

The easiest way - light a candle. You can buy a beautiful icon lamp, and occasionally light on his desk. Candle clean the room of negative energies. There will also be useful aromatic oils of orange and bergamot, they improve mood, relieve tension and irritability. Drink the whole team tea or coffee with chocolate, preferably dark chocolate. Sweet reduces the production of stress hormones - glucocorticoids, simply speaking, chocolate helps to calm down.

And finally, stress is easy to survive when a man set to positive. You can not divide life into white and black stripes! Do not worry about small things and learn to set priorities emotional. If you constantly think about that tomorrow will be bad - you get a "bad" tomorrow! Does not present itself too excessive demands, because the most common cause of stress - it's everywhere trying to keep up! Handle the harder tasks, and most importantly - enjoy yourself, and then the trouble will not be able to cut the ground from under your feet!

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