How to find a business
Paulo Coelho wrote about how awful to spend years of his life, doing loveless affair. Catching them only for money, for the sake of stability or, in the hope that patience and hard work will replace the sincere desire. Here and there, in his words, "mother of the family, who dreamed of becoming a model, a dentist who secretly writes a book and wanted to devote himself to literature, here's this girl that dreams of a television, but sitting behind the counter in the supermarket" .
Abandon dreams - as to refuse a child: it hurts, and unacceptable, but the problem above typecasting, I think, lies elsewhere. Close to me think of Eric Berne, according to which it is, rather, personal game losers who laziness, inactivity and inability to live happily blamed on external circumstances: "If I were a model ..." "Oh, that's on TV quite a different life! "
The worst thing that can really happen in their lives - it is the fulfillment of their dreams, when life will give them the opportunity to be active, creative and happy, and they just can not ... Maybe it's a vocation, but more often than behind it more : inability to do their job well, and the fear of mistakes and the fear that a mistake will be punished. For fear of running defensive position: fatigue, lowered shoulders and arms, and later emerges in the mind formulation excuse "I guess it's not mine!" ...
As a child, such behavior protect you: what now for this unfortunate man to swear? From fear is born and the desire to shove responsibility for their failures and problems on someone else - someone who has authority and responsibility to say what and how do I have to really. Accordingly, my purpose. Because how do without him? How to find your business? more successful and responsible people behave differently.
First, they learn a new technology training for - and easy to learn any new thing. No problem become a cashier and a bank clerk, and mother, and a musician - so anyone, and all you can do this talented, successful and happy. Second, become familiar with their talents and peculiarities. To do this a lot and try not to throw a new case, faced the first difficulties. From the side it always seems that others get better and better: their difficulties are seen immediately, but other problems are not visible from the outside. Be patient: usually on the development of new business takes at least six months: only then can assess what you really have the makings of this case. Sometimes the coup is compiling a list of things you do just can not and do not want ...
Third, from all these different things that are open to them, they choose the more promising, which open the way for the fan even more promising cases. Hardly promising to sit behind the counter at the supermarket - a place for quite lazy, and it is unclear where to grow from here. Clerk - I wonder if the creative approach is possible rapid career growth, but have a lot to think and learn. Dentist - wonderful, very creative work - if you are, of course, creativity is located. And so on.
Fourthly, learn and think through the negative consequences of any choice. Only very naive to assume that the work model, writer or television - is a solid raspberry. I assure you it is not for everybody. And only if you are good to know what really is (in the routine of everyday life, and gray), this work than you have to pay for her apparent joy, if you look at the real carriers of this life, and talked with them and get their blessings and advice - you are here.
And most importantly - estimate that more will be demanded of all life. What's interesting to you - whether you want people? Are they ready for your skills and talents, for your service to pay the money? If you then realize that your work people will really need if you feel that you'll need people - your life is sure to be bright and interesting. Joy to you!