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How to find peace and happiness

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How to find peace and happiness

Our life is what we think about it these words of Marcus Aurelius can change your destiny.

In fact, if we think about happiness, we feel happy. If we are overwhelmed by sad thoughts, we are sad. If in our minds there is fear, we become fearful and starts at every rustle. If we are overly concerned about your health, it is quite possible that the disease was soon waylaid us, "If we think about the failures, what is something we are certainly waiting fiasco" If we are bogged down in a swamp of excessive self-pity, everyone is starting to avoid us

I am deeply convinced that the most important thing in life - is the ability to produce at a certain frame of mind, positive attitude toward the world. In other words, you should care about solving their problems and to this end of the quiet, but not to make a panic running around "around it" a vicious circle. Do not allow yourself to succumb to despondency, and think about the defeat, and you will surely find the right way out of any situation.

Mindset of a man has an incredible impact on his physical strength. When the famous British psychiatrist, J., A. Hadfield suggested to the subject under hypnosis that they are very weak, they were able to raise only 29 pounds - only a third of the goods to be lifted by them under normal conditions. When the same experiment, the participants been told that they are very strong, each of them managed to raise about 142 pounds.
peace love happiness
The longer I live in the world, the more deeply meryu that people without a hypnotist can make themselves stronger, relieve anxiety, fear and disease.

The great French philosopher Montaigne chose the motto of his life these words: "Man suffers not so much on what is happening, but on how it assesses what is happening."

Our assessment of what is happening is totally dependent on us.

You may ask, how dare I ask you, when your nerves are strained and it seems just about to explode, change ways of thinking through volitional effort? Yes, I insist on this! Moreover, I am going to show you how to do it.

The secret is simple: "If you're sad, especially wide smile, cheerfully and heartily, straighten his shoulders, and then try to sing a verse from some cheerful songs. If you can not sing - whistle if you can not whistle - that murlychte something veseloe0 I bet - you will rise up involuntary spirit. " Because it is physically impossible to stay angry, putting on a mask of a happy man. It is a law of nature.
peace love happiness
Man is able to rise from the ruins, victories and reach the top of success, only to mobilize the spiritual forces, and can become a weak, miserable and unhappy, refusing to rise and rise spiritually "

More than anything, I want to get control of himself - his feelings and fears, mind and soul. To subordinate to their will, you just need to start to control their actions, and then they will control your reactions.

I propose a program to be run each day. It's called "Just for today" to try to follow it, and you immediately feel its inspiring and stimulating.

So here's the program.

1. Today I'll be happy. I will be guided by the words of Abraham Lincoln: "Most people are about as happy as they are determined to be happy."

2. Today I will try to adapt themselves to the life that surrounds me. I'll take your family, your job as they are, and try to find them something positive.

3. Today I'll take care of your body. I'm eating bark charging, I will take care of your body as possible to eat right. I'll try not to harm their health and do not run it. My body must be strong and persistent, so I could enjoy life.

4. Today I'll try to pay attention to the development of his mind. I have learned anything useful. But I will not be a spiritual parasite. I read something that requires effort and concentration of thoughts.

5. Today I am focusing on the moral improvement of his soul. I will make someone something useful, so that he did not know about it. Then I run at least two things that I do not want to perform. I will make them just for exercise. "

6. Today I'll be friendly to all configured. I will try as best as possible to look: I will clothe you, what I really go, I'll talk to a soft, low voice, kindly behave, I'll be generous with praise. I'll try not to criticize anyone, no one in fault and not try to command someone or someone to fix.

7. I'll try to do what is scheduled for today, because once it is impossible to solve all problems. Within 12 hours I can perform even the most unpleasant work, which would lead me to the horror if I had to do it all my life.

8. Today I planned program of their status and write down what was going to do every hour. Not necessarily immediately follow this program, but I'll make it. This will help me get rid of two evils - hurry and indecision.

9. Just for today I will spend half an hour alone, and try to relax. In that half hour I think about God and try a little glimpse into the future.

10. Just for today I do not be afraid. I will feel happy, to enjoy the beauty, love and believe that I'm also someone we love.

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