How to find the man of her dreams
What men like women? There is probably no single answer to this question, since we have different tastes, but still, there are some of the most popular character traits the stronger sex. Almost every woman wants a man with a self-sufficient, faithful and reliable. You can count on in difficult times, which can protect and warm the warmth of his heart. But, alas, the time masculine women and feminine men. Strong in body and spirit Knights have sunk into oblivion, and no longer take us under his wing, and we try to take care of, protect and expose his shoulder.

We are surrounded by "Botany", "poets", "actors", but not the knights of whom we read in novels. And we assure ourselves that the man with the women's showers, there is nothing wrong! Well, of course, because the strong and courageous can not by its nature be sentimental and tender. They can sometimes arrange a romantic evening and carry us for some time on his hands, but it at first. Courageous and strong-willed partner will not be with us to watch sentimental melodrama and hours tryndet on philosophical themes.
He getter, he man in all senses of the word, he had no time, and obviously not up to calf tenderness. And here is a philosopher by nature - and the melodrama with us and look vsplaknet, and hours will listen to everything we have grieved. True ... in the most difficult moment of our lives, probably not, we will rely on him and he to us and reassure us have it too ... So, let's consider the most common types of the soft and romantic men and decide for yourself what all the same man we need.
I'll give you a star from the sky ...
So, before you romantic. This is a non-drinker and non-representative of the strong half of mankind, as a rule, well-educated and interesting work. This is a sensitive person who can spend hours admiring the starry sky, and sometimes even let a tear. He has a rather soft in nature, if you're used to always be on your way - for you is ideal. It is unlikely you will argue with, if you want the night of chocolates or black caviar. Silently, dress up and go to the nearest shop, where he will not forget to grab a candy bottle of champagne to rest of the night you spent in the romantic atmosphere.
If you two were going to his mom, but you have suddenly gone bad mood and you decided to stay home - your partner will not you throw a huge scandal, reproach, that you set at naught its parent, but simply remain with you and would be happy to Watch your favorite TV series. Even if you come home late and drunk - he is not you threw a scene of jealousy! You are surprised to discover that he had prepared the dinner, lit candles and waited.
This really is endowed with a romantic partner showers, but that's fit, he did that as a "friend" and did not mate. Because with such a man has no choice, as most become a real man strong. Over time, the sharpness of the senses blunted, and frankly you will begin to irritate his ability around you understand and accept all of your whims. You'll just dream about the day when he was banging his fist on the table and force to do what he wants.
Oh, this is perhaps the most interesting type. Such a man would you be what you want. He was already on a first date you are dumbfounded by the fact that he, for example, likes the same books that you and he just loves to watch the same movies. And he will be strong if you need it! He can talk to your abuser in a raised voice and even to pretend that all your problems it can solve almost tomorrow, but alas ... this game is doomed to failure, because sooner or later you will need from his actions, not words .
Sometimes men of such facial features are pretty strong character, and then may give the impression that here it is a miracle - I found my prince! But the whole trick is that you never really know this man, he plays, he himself did not really know. While you're in the heat of passion, he will play that hero's lover, on which you dreamed. But as soon as the feelings start to fade - will emerge all the most unpleasant character traits of your chosen one.
Disappointment is inevitable, and it will be very bitter. You are very lucky if the game your partner will be only a desire to please you, because you like him ... but maybe another game .. game of love, which was not and is not ..
Mother's Son
It is also fairly common type of men. Such a man seeking a woman who would remind him of his mother. It will take care of him solve his problems, it is required simply to be near her. After all, moms love their children just like that, baby absolutely nothing to do to be loved.
I do not deny that many women see the advantages of this Union. Firstly, this man is very easy to raise, it does not have to break under him, he was ready to obey the first minutes of his mentor. Secondly, all my mother's sons appreciate women, it's throbbing and attentive man. He and cook and wash, but at the same time, he would never accept the decision without your approval and is unlikely to be a real man to deal with your abuser.
Such a man is usually a good family man, he and the children unattended and gladly go to the store. And most importantly, he predicted, such men rarely has an affair on the side. And now fly in the ointment - you want to be a mom overgrown kiddie? You will decide where you go on vacation, you'll get the permit, you decide what to wear his shirt to work and what to buy him the phone, etc. etc. Begs the question, if everything in this life will depend on your decisions, then maybe you will be easier to do most? What is the meaning of the satellite, if you are in no way can it be trusted?
After all of the above, one might wonder, maybe we do allow men to be like this? Perhaps demand creates supply ... We have become stronger, we become more confident, we are not much inferior to men, and we allow men to be with us weak. If I earn a lot, but it has little - I could well provide the family by herself! And now he's your choice - romantic, sitting on your neck. So what to do because he's so vulnerable and sweet I am for it and I love it!
We climb over backwards to meet the ideals of our time, we obtain a second degree, sitting on a diet, read Nietzsche, and still we are beset by doubt, and we need someone? And the seedy little man did not even bother about its solvency, he is sure one hundred percent that he will be in demand! And it's true! There is another hen that caress and warmer. Let's just appreciate ourselves and then we would not have dropped a notch below, but rather men will try to rise above, and consistent with our ideals!