How to forgive someone who hurt me ...
They say nothing in the world does not paint and rejuvenates the girl as a complete deliverance from the old grudges. Forgiveness - a wonderful recipe for happiness and attractiveness. Here are just a pharmacy can not buy it ... What can we do to truly forgive the former? "Here's another, to forgive this scoundrel - you will say - well, no longer! No way! Although I placability, but the wicked and my memory is good! Never forget how that bastard did to me! "
Okay. It is your right. But let me ask you: and to whom you are so berezhesh their grievances? Why should kultiviruesh negative? Why inflame hatred in his heart? You are a pleasure? Or how it helps in life?
If your answer is yes, you can stop reading. And yet let me question the usefulness and wisdom of such behavior. Actually cultivated resentment do not bring anything other than early wrinkles, a variety of life difficulties, or even serious illness. This, incidentally, a scientifically proven fact. And therefore you should not expose themselves to danger. Forgiving of the former, you will feel the same way fine and freely, like a balloon released into the sky. You have to literally grow wings. After all, resentment - like a sack of bricks on your shoulders.
It's everything, of course, right, think you, but ... how? How to forgive someone who hurt me (cheated on, abused, did not appreciate, humiliated)? The easiest method: meditation. You can carry it anytime and anywhere. Just repeat to yourself over and over again: "I forgive Vasya Pupkin and beg his forgiveness for my past wrongs. I forgive all the negative feelings to myself, I'm letting go of a grudge. " These same words can often write in a notebook, or hang on the wall a bright sign, not to forget about forgiveness.
Yet you can go in the sun, your face bright rays, and say to himself: "The sun, cleanse my heart from insults." After this, imagine how the sun's rays purify you from all the bad and sad. This method may seem a little odd and childish, but on my own experience I found that it works perfectly. The secret of the fact that the sun in the body produces vitamin D, which wakes up the so-called hormone of happiness. It turns out that such a "solar cleansing frees you from worries and gives a sense of lightness and joy.