How to get acquainted with the waitress?
Service staff - is a nurse, waitress, bartender, managers in the stores, etc. Now I'll tell you what strategies are dating and seduction can be applied in this case. Once we have with Cyril and Dima went into a very pleasant place. Go to our waitress came by whom Cyril immediately caught his breath.
-Oh ... What a girl, such a posture, a look ... oh-oh-oh! What are the legs, smooth and slender as you want them to stroke and take a closer look ... He asked me: "How can it be to seduce?" Waitresses, nurses, bartender, managers (and others) - all those who serve you - this is a separate issue conversation. Often serves you a girl with whom you do not mind would be in bed. With whom you would like to relationships, BUT! Many of the guys sighed: "She's at work, eh ..." or just ask her phone number, and she usually refuses to give it. In fact, any waitress (nurse, etc.) is very easy to seduce.
I'll tell you about the incident with the waitress, but all other types of service positions, from nurses to the bank workers, lured by the same means. For the waitresses have their own dating strategy. What is special about it, what resources? Explain:
1.Kamera, which controls the waitress. Then, as a rule, the owners of cafes and browsing the film, if the waitress is doing something wrong, it is very simple and can easily dismiss.
2.Okruzhayuschy staff who will follow behind your "Cupid" with ofitsiantochkoy. If you will be a flirtation that goes beyond authorized in this cafe, she immediately made the remark, and flirt stop at once.
3.Osoznanie that all this work and she has her zadolbala. Want to relax.
4.Postoyanno adhering clients who tend to shoot the waitress to povypendrivatsya in front of friends, and do not go beyond a certain point.
And the mass of the nuances - think yourself! Here are the main points that are worth attention. And now I'm easy with examples describe removal strategy waitresses on the job.
So as to get acquainted with the waitress. In order to prove itself a good hand and immediately intimate with a waitress so that she felt that you hang out with her much more penetrating than other clients, ask her a question of a personal nature, such as the well-being, or establishments conversation, distracted from work, who may be interested in it personally. For example: "How does it work today?" Or "I'm sorry, you seem tired. You need your rest ... "or" Today was a lot of people just ran? "
This immediately sets up its communication on "girl - the guy" and not "client - client". Important - indeed imbued really understand her! Because when you say it sincerely, in human terms, only then she will appreciate your questions. Then initiates communication: "I'm sorry I distracts you, you're very busy right now?" Or "I want to talk to you, ask you something!"
Action on the situation. Most importantly, remember: starting with "YOU", you make friends with girls! If you say "you", to erect mile barrier. The purpose of questions - to give her message: you are a person with whom you can talk to if there is at this time. Among the waitresses are many women who are hungry and deprived of serious male attention. These poor women are constantly being teased at work guys. How? They begin to harass them. The waitress at work are usually forced to refuse customers because of their abuse are visible to all, and besides they are indecent.
But in fact, she thinks to herself: "Oh, if he had a little more decently behaved, how I wish his tenderness, love and affection ...". In fact, the waitress is often warming up on the job. And you need only quiet and well push it to communicate. In addition, many women, including waitresses, ready for love off the hook of another man. But women "hooked" on very few statistics: one out of five. It is minuscule, so you can be sure that in fact it (your waitress) for a long time waiting and looking to meet you. This belief is very helpful! I think you for it - the love of life. She waited for you for many years in the cafe - and it will become true! After all, life is exactly what you believe.
Virtually 100% of every waitress will tell you: "Of course, there is time!" If you think she will say this only because it must do, since it at work and it is her duty, then you are very much mistaken! In most cases, works her feminine curiosity. Personally, I can not deceive, I always see, it is natural or feigned. And I will say this: if you do everything right, then her curiosity to see you more often than would be natural. And it really will want to continue the relationship with you, feeling that he liked you.
And she listens to you, spreading its ears and on their toes waiting for what you say. Why is the voltage? She is afraid that now you will send or offer something indecent. For example, immediately asked to meet. She is upset because you have to refuse. When in fact she really wanted to meet with you. But a clear suggestion here is inappropriate. What can I say? Simple General Discussion with an element of interest in it will help communication.
1.Raspolozhit to yourself.
2.Pokazat that you're a normal man, you want to just talk.
3.Inoskazatelno find out whether it is ready to meet.
4.Otvesti it aside, to stay single and take the phone. The only way to precisely no one was near and she felt safe.