How to get along with your friends boyfriend?
Well, when a man has everything: love and loyal friends. Bad, when those most loyal friends suddenly become a hindrance in your relationship ... I guess there is not in the world of a girl who at least once in his life cursed with her boyfriend because of his friends. Claims can be mass. Somehow mysteriously friends all the world's boyfriends are a lot of different ways to ruin your relationship.
1. They spend with him too much time constantly zazyvaya it with you on a fishing trip, then football, then in the bath (as you while you sit home and wonder whether they will order prostitutes and all the same reverence).
2. They criticize you for your eyes, inspire him that "man, you're with as long as it came down on itself does not look like you look at yourself, henpecked, and her legs are thick ...".
3. They are, by contrast, believe that you are "is even nothing, and all the forces are glued to you, trying to separate you even have sex. And it might just be the usual rivalries way to prove themselves that they were "men even where, once even a girl friend in front of them could not resist.
In short, the problems in this complex triangle: you - your man - his friends can be oh how much! How do deal with them? First, do not cut it. Wants to go to a bachelor party - let him go. This does not sit at home and not wait for him as a devoted little wife. Try to use the freed evening pleasantly and profitably. You can go with friends to a night club, or invite them to visit. You can collect former classmates or fellow students. If you are left alone, went to a beauty salon, a swimming pool or solarium. Coming back, your boyfriend sees you cheerful and prettier, that proves he failure of the charges of his friends in your address.
He sees that you're not boring and not going to lock it into four walls. And if after a few of his spree you will meet him with a dazzling smile on her lips and a delicious dinner, he will nevertheless seek to directly get back to you with gulyanok. No one hurries home, if there it waits shrew. Do not pester him with questions: "Well, how? It was fun? Who did you communicate? Who was there? And what kind of women's voices I heard in your mobile handset when you called? "If he wants, then he will tell you everything. Sometimes, men prefer to keep mum about how a walk, not because they have changed, but only because they drank too much, behaving slo, bawled obscene songs in the whole Ped. Quite possibly, it just does not want to fall into your eyes, putting into such details.
If his friends criticize you and all your relationship did not exist, most importantly, do not answer them the same! " How to communicate with your friends boyfriend? " Do not sink to the mutual insults. On the contrary, say something like: "I am sorry that your friends are so badly treated me. Maybe invite them on Sunday to visit us. I baked charlotte, brew Chinese tea, and we know each other better. " Way to the heart of his friends really easy to run through their stomachs. Collect home company, bake pizza, beer cooler. Try to please his friends. Try to find a way for everyone. This can be a daunting task, but it's worth it! If all your efforts are futile, try to keep your communication to a minimum. Tell her lover: "It is a pity that we are with your friends could not find a common language, but there I am with you, not with them. Every man to his own taste. " Well, if his friend is actively stuffed into your lovers, firstly, do not hide it from her lover. He is useful to know what people around him. But be careful. Communicates only the facts, without his attitude toward them and advice. Your favorite has to be sure of you. Do not let him cause for jealousy. Even if the attention of one of his friends flatters your ego, not in any case, do not react! The consequences may be irreversible.