How to get rid of corruption
With damage to fight can only patient, persevering people reshivshiesya go to the end, to eradicate this evil in itself.
Spoilage can be avoided and independently. But you need to unobjectionable to comply with all recommendations and patience:
• Observe the post. Moreover, the duration of fasting depends on the period of limitation of damage and the strength of witches and wizards who have guided her.
During the post should be abandoned animal foods: meat, bacon, sausages and other meat products, eggs and dairy products.
If you do not follow this basic condition, you will not recover. Who wants to get rid of corruption, the fasting six, nine and even twelve months.
You should also observe the positions established church.
• Read the prayer from the prayer book in the morning and evening.
• Be sure to attend church and receive communion.
• Visits to holy places and monasteries. Summer at the holy sites useful like barefoot.
Patient, demon-possessed man hard to bring the relics and miraculous icons. He usually breaks out, screaming. Need a few people to hold it.
There is a very strong lake, they spoiled sick too it is very difficult to walk. Many of them fall down and can not enter the water. They will wear on his hands, and they are howling, barking, swearing, biting. Then they began vomiting, which of them is evil in the form of needles, thread, hair, etc.
• Attend church services during major religious holidays.
• Kiss-working icons.
• You should bathe in the sacred sources, and drinking from their water.
• To destroy evil energy mugwort root, the root of a fern, bark, aspen, and Mack was consecrated, thistle - for 15g each, Plakun-grass - 25g. Collection pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insisting two weeks in a dark warm place, occasionally shaking. Strain, add the tincture of consecrated water (100ml at 1st. Spoonful of tincture). Take a tablespoon three times a day for an hour before meals.
• «burn out" evil spirits in a steam bath, using brooms made of oak or birch.
• «freeze" the unclean spirit, basking in the hole.
• Mel brings evil spirits from the body. Taking it should be for 1 ¤ 2chaynoy spoon three times a day.
• Sleeping on the boards of pine boards expels damage of joints.
• fumigate yourself and home with incense, and on the street - raw plants in the fire: mugwort, wormwood, thistle, thistles, Plakun, Sage, drop caps, read with the prayer of the damage.
• Good protection against witches and sorcerers consecrated poppy. With it you can determine who bedevil. To do this, sprinkle with poppy in the office or in your room - witches and wizards once gone, they will not be there.
• From corruption to carry with you angelica root.
• If you are afraid to sleep during the unclean, do yourself a cushion from the leaves of birch, buckthorn, thyme, plantain, corn-flowers and mint. You not only will not be afraid, but also calm your nerves.
• From all kinds of damage helps a broth: 50 g of any bread, 2st. spoon Elecampane roots, one clove of garlic and 1 ¤ 2st. tablespoons tarragon. Pour 0.5 liters of cold water, boil 30 minutes, strain and drink at one time on an empty stomach.
• If you are not baptized in a church, be sure to be baptized. At baptism, each person gets a guardian angel.
• If you are cohabiting but not married in church, you need to get married not to live in sin.
• invite the priest to consecrate your home or apartment.
• Be sure to review the pillows and duvets. Cut them along the seam, pour the contents into a dry tub and climb the pen. There may be soil, sand, clay, rope, loops, bones, nails, needles, nails, pieces of wood, painted feathers, the feathers on a string, feathers, rosettes. All of the above should be away from his house to pour gasoline and burned. Try not to get into the smoke of the campfire. Should be read with the "Our Father."
• Patients with schizophrenia, epilepsy and cerebral palsy every night to put on the head of the pack nagovorennoy water. For this, water must be heated, on the forehead and neck to put the flap of a natural fabric soaked in nagovorennoy water, put cellophane and a layer of matter (try putting a compress on the sore spots all night).
• Very good spoiled sick help from nagovorennoy bath water. Dial into the bath water temperature 40-45 ° C. Nagovorennoy glass of water pour into the tub crosswise. Get in the bath, but do not just sit and read a prayer or a conspiracy of corruption. Before you take a bath, drink a glass of water nagovorennoy. If, after such a bath you go to the body bruises, do not worry, they soon will.
• Always wear a cross, bought the church.
• To get rid of the damage, make a tincture of Plakun, mugwort or a thistle. 100g of any of these plants are put in a jar and fill it with 0.5 liters of vodka. Ten days of steep in a warm dark place, filter. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day for a glass of water nagovorennoy.
• To protect against damage, never did let after sunset no money, no knives, no forks, no salt, no needles, or scissors - no matter who asked.
• Before going to sleep always (clockwise) Cross, from doors, windows, doors, and the last - the furnace. This is to ensure that your home has not penetrated, no evil.
• Helps spoilage wearing consecrated in the Church of silver bracelets, rings and brooches. If a woman wears a headscarf, she can embroider a cross on it.
• Drink water nagovorennuyu, make compresses with her and take baths.