How to get rid of psychological dependence?
For a person with life's problems, whether it is a serious illness or meager personal life, the question of "who seek help are always relevant. One would think, knowing better than anyone else, people can help themselves. But such a position is not confirmed in real life. And if you seek the advice of his comrades in misfortune, to other patients, who managed to regain health? Alas, such assistance is rarely effective, because their experience in overcoming illness or addiction, as a rule, small.Where is the force that will support a full-fledged person, faced with a problem in your life? For the patient, or chemically dependent patients, such a higher power first appeared in the person of a specialist doctor. Following its recommendations, the addict can cope with the withdrawal syndrome (drug "Fragile"), hypertensive doctor can help lower blood pressure and so on, depending on the disease.
It often happens that the patient is "tied" to the attending physician, begins to believe in it "as in God." This is also not good - it's one of the options depends. After elimination of the physical consequences of the doctor ceases to be a higher power, because the next on the scene of psychological and social problems, and in them he is not respected. Where can you find a higher power to help people to solve the problem of psychological dependence? Can you do it the parents or friends?Undoubtedly, their support is essential in any complex situation. But, unfortunately, parents and friends do not have enough experience in dealing with specific psychological problems. We do not expect that the academician of architecture is well-versed in cooking? And the experience of relatives of people who are not familiar with the problem of addiction, will hardly help the man. Their strength is not high.How to get rid of psychological dependence?
This will help psychologists - the specialists in the field of therapy depends. And for the chemically dependent, in addition, can support a mentor Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as members of mutual support. With the accumulation of patient experience of sobriety authority to sponsor him down, why in the world of chronic illness on the method of group therapy. Group is always stronger than one, even a very knowledgeable person. Why? In groups of mutual support person is no longer left alone with his problem. Around dozens of others like it, and they all want one thing: to become internally free healthy subjects. Starts working group mind, the group will. As the personal development of chemically dependent people's need for "teacher" is reduced. He is no longer enough just to stay sober. During this period, a person start worrying questions of a spiritual: the meaning of life and their own destiny, about how to restore the harmony of relations with the world to achieve inner satisfaction. Now the role of the Higher Power must come faith as a philosophical-religious category. Experience shows that if the early stages of sobriety large number of chemically dependent deny the idea of God, then over time the religious ideas arise in many patients. When searching for the Higher Power, use the following guidelines.
• Do not impose religious beliefs of patients in the early stages of recovery.
· Seek the help of people who have more experience maintaining sobriety, or professionals who have extensive experience working with addictions.
· Group Therapy chemical dependency are often significantly more effective than individual work.
· Sponsors should choose a man who has much more experience of healthy life than the convalescent.