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How to get rid of the fright

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How to get rid of the fright

Knowing a few rules that will help you to cope with fear and not allow any disturbance of public speaking or communicating in a complex speech situation does not turn into real panic. Above all, remember that the speaker is not the mood worse than "setting for success." The higher placed mental strap, the greater will be injured in the fall. When a person goes for "applause", he initially must prepare for the enormous difficulties. Even if his self-confidence enough to not notice anything around and not be afraid, it loses its sincerity in relations with the audience.

Distracted from those thoughts can be difficult. But the fundamental at the moment - to think not about how you look in the eyes of the audience, and concentrate on tasks, on the goal statements. The man who is busy thinking about business and forgets to be afraid. It is very important to disable the account from a source of fear. Learn to control your attention. Remember that when you worry, your account is not collected. Sometimes, even in time of speaking, you suddenly catches a wave of fear. For example, something was forgotten. Do not panic. Gather attention on some object (pen on the table), quiet breathing. Hold a theatrical pause. Remember that this is not fatal. Thoughtfully utter his last words (maybe a little editing it).
Your brain works in those seconds in the active mode, so that the proper solution must be found. Do not let fear master you. And in general, be aware that the public does not notice your excitement. It's just seems that everyone is happy watching our panic. Tension and stiffness makes breathing more difficult, so you must learn how to make this stress and get rid of him. Can only create a free man. Pay attention to your body and achieve muscular freedom. Imagine that you see yourself inside. This skill - attention to the condition of the body and release tension - should become automatic.

Relaxation promotes the right mood to work. How to get rid of the fear of the audience? First of all, try to take their future public not as a hostile force, but as friends who can help. Before the performance of calm breath, make several shallow uniform breaths. Move to the rhythm of a quiet (if the space). Who wants to stop being afraid of the audience to begin to speak. Difficult the first few times. If you do not overcome your fear, then fear will have life.

Several rules of control over pain

1. "See the fear in the face"

A man who prides himself on his fearlessness, increases the severity of fear. He is not just afraid of the real danger, but fear and show her fear. These additional sources of negativity can be avoided by simply taking as fact that there is something you are afraid. If you're worried, you should think about "where put a straw." Changing thoughts and behavior toward the "safety net" will bring much more benefit.

2.Pereosmyslenie circumstances

The second rule is a chance to rethink the current circumstances. Fear - an emotion, and every emotion is an irritant. But it manifests itself as a stimulus depending on its perception of and attitudes towards it - it was her interpretation is responsible for the emotional response of the organism. For example, an employee of the company, funky demand to come to the head can get rid of fear, realizing that this requirement may be due to dissatisfaction, and a working necessity. Rethinking given with difficulty because the objective requires creative thinking. Sometimes a person needs someone's help to look at your circumstances from a different point of view.

3.Yumor instead of fear

In cases where the situation does not allow for long-term revaluation, an innate sense of humor can render invaluable service. Laughter, even if it seems inappropriate at this time, helps to relieve emotional stress and keeps people from overly serious attitude towards his own person.

4.Transformatsiya energy of fear into the energy of creation

Excellent means of immediate relief of anxiety is a useful activity. Old ideas about how to run around the floor of the city or to chop firewood, to escape, it is quite valid from a psychological point of view.

5.Ispravlenie situation

The best way to get rid of fear is to do exactly that directly lead to the correction of a frightening situation. Easier to attack a problem than to manage the emotions that it provoked. For example, instead of trying to control the fear of job loss, you should try to become an indispensable professional. Then, a similar concern is unfounded.

6.Trenirovka ability to cope with problems

Emerging emotions depend on a preliminary assessment of the relationship to any scary situation. A well-prepared student enjoys the exam as a chance to show their knowledge and unprepared student is afraid of testing. Human feelings, his self-esteem is very much dependent on the skills of social behavior, and (these skills) can develop and expand through the development of emotional intelligence.
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