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How to get rid of the life failure

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How to get rid of the life failure

All faced with black and white stripes in life. No wonder they say that behind every white stripe should be black and vice versa. But what to do when life turns into a solid black bar? Each day you place some small trouble, which is not seen no end or edge. You start to wail: Well, no one else so .... You begin to feel that you pursue failures that out of the situation there, because you - loser. Psychologists describe a condition as a syndrome of failure.

If you understand and sort through everything, then perhaps the situation is not so deplorable as we know it draw, but the fact that a sequence of small troubles bothering us no worse than a global failure. We're starting to think that anything good in our lives will be gone. We're afraid to make a move, refuse to competitive bids in advance deciding what doomed to failure.

If we have a certain choice, we somehow unconsciously choose what is worse for us. Afraid to miscalculate, we cease to adequately assess the situation, excessively worried and eventually commit more errors. As a consequence, we have a problem and in my personal life and professional, and the circle is closed, we see no exit, not realizing that in some cases the system of bad luck make our deeds and actions, and not some evil fate.
Let's try to determine whether you are a loser and how to deal with it. If you catch yourself thinking that all in all, as humans, but not you, that you always get everything wrong, as you would like, if your loved ones you have said many times - not try for it, not dare you this is unlikely to succeed - you have obviously a loser syndrome.

I - a loser ...

Danger loser syndrome is that a man on an unconscious level, selects a single path, which eventually leads to failure. Your mental state, your negative thoughts affect your actions and do not let you make the right decision. People who consider themselves underdogs, as a rule, try to follow the path of least resistance, fearing to make an extra step to heaven forbid not tolerate another failure. Choosing how they think the easy way they do not realize that it's easy - it is not always correct and not always good. As a result, they are not getting the desired results, and again suffer a disappointing result - a failure syndrome only strengthened in their subconscious.

Who is affected by this syndrome? As a general rule "sick" people instilled in this disease, emotionally fragile, impressionable. Such a person is enough twice to get in trouble or hear from someone on the phrase, saying that to you lately that - unlucky. That's it - the ranks of losers were supplemented by one person.

Important role in the formation of this syndrome are our parents. If a child tell the child that he is clumsy, stupid, none of his good will come out - whether or not then surprising that out of him grows diffident man who considers himself a complete failure.

There is another type of losers, they can serve as a lame duck syndrome veiled cover their inept actions. It is very easy to say that I did not get, not because I'm lazy, impatient, I do not have enough experience, but simply because - I'm unlucky! This is the fate of the villain will not let me do what I want to! Such a person puts the blame on others, on circumstances, but not for himself. Such an approach to life - is a recipe for failure and defeat. The loser always waiting for someone to help solve their problems, they need compassion and involvement from family and friends. He convinces himself that no one's influence or he is hardly something to happen.

In fact, many losers satisfied with their status, you can always justify their failure evil fate. When one brother is smarter and more hardworking others, the second just simply easier to blame of circumstances than to admit that he has, for example, has no talent.

If a friend of a successful and secured, then the second friend loser is much easier to complain about his fate, than to admit that he simply did not have the patience and desire to achieve something, etc. This is Utopia, with such an approach to life can not get out of a string of failures, because you do them yourself will create. In fact, you'll go with the flow, but it never led to anything good. Achieve the desired in life can only be managing their own destiny.

If you look, it does not happen Winnings and losers, everyone present both good and bad periods in life, in fact, everything depends on the ability of man to act in a particular situation. After all, you can lay your hands and say that you have such a fate, but you can find a way out and ultimately survive the unfavorable period with minimal losses. If you summarize all the above, we can say with certainty that the syndrome is a loser - a way to evade responsibility and more difficult life model.

The worst thing in this situation that, over time loser starts to lose one after another, the more successful friends. Because he resents the fact that a successful one it does not help to be as successful, is angry that one of everything, and nothing else and end up spoiling relations with friends, it begins to take offense at all and all he heard in his address even the most innocuous, but fair criticism.

I am the master of your destiny

I'm sure deep down every loser understands and realizes his wrong approach to life, but is afraid to admit this himself. First, let us be clear on one simple rule - get rid of the loser syndrome will help you only your thoughts and actions. You're used to setbacks and miscalculations, accustomed to abandon planned half way, used to give in, go into the shadows, etc. Such habits can completely destroy all your dreams and desires, so let's get rid of them and the first thing to do is simply to bring their thoughts in order.

Firstly, there is a simple pattern - everyone gets what counts and what is seeking. If a person expects to succeed and not sitting idly by, and after the first failed attempt to not write themselves losers - as a rule, success comes to him. If on the contrary, he always tells himself that this, I have not come out and then - be sure it will be so. Activity and positive thoughts - this is the first step on the path to success and get rid of the loser syndrome.

Secondly, the mechanism of negative thoughts and frustrating is actually quite simple. Either you are laid in childhood, or has an effect on you the person who you are inhibits and enhances your facilities. So the first thing to do is figure out what makes you consider yourself to be unlucky?

The next step to "recovery" - optimism. Should not take their mistakes and troubles, as some cruel fate, which now will haunt you the rest of his life. Try to concentrate on the pleasant moments. We are so arranged that any trouble for a long time is "stuck" in our minds, but the good moments we quickly forget. Try a little longer to keep in mind all the pleasant moments, even if they are insignificant compared to the troubles, but these moments will help you to think positively.

Do not try to calculate everything in advance and not be afraid to advance their mistakes. Generally less think about it. Remove from the lessons of failure and do not blame anybody. Each trouble, which happens to us - this is another lesson we should learn. If their philosophical approach misses them much easier to endure.

And now the most important thing! Most losers are no goals, so they are lost in life - try not to anything. Put to a manageable problem, develop strategies for moving towards the intended and most importantly, do not stop there!

The notion of success and failure rather subjective. Among us are people with deadly illnesses while they are cheerful and successful, and some are ready to get depressed because they can not afford to buy your favorite thing! Let's see in a dirty puddle not a puddle, and starry sky, and then we'll never be a record of losers!

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