How to get the phone number of the girl?
There are certain rules as to take the phone number of the girl , tried and tested practices. These magic rules to increase the efficiency of seduction.
1.Nikogda not ask for her phone. You're a man, you take.
2.Nikogda not apologize to her for what you take from her phone.
3.When you take your phone, your first action - Get the phone number or find a pen with a piece of paper. Can you ask her. If she asks: "Why," say "it is necessary! You will see. " When she would get a piece of paper from her purse and a pen, say: "What is your mobile? I'll show you the trick. "
Writes it down on paper and you put it in his pocket. "That's the trick, now I have your cell phone. When you're comfortable to call? "Remember, before you get your cell phone or a tool for writing, do not ask for her phone. If you do everything right, she sees the seriousness of your intention to get her phone, then deny it less likely.
4.Sprosi when she has free time. The effectiveness of dialing in her spare time is much higher. Her condition at rest has a normal conversation.
5.Deystvuy time! Not perederzhivay. Sometimes guys crumple, and the woman at this time in my head thought: "Oh, brake my heart, but when you finally take my phone and let me go home I want to eat and sleep!"
Generally, the phone is not a problem, usually with good communication it is given at all times. And, frankly, the phone girl is not quite your main goal. If communication with her is not going and you know you meet her you do not want, what do you want her phone number? Take the phone to when she was ready for it. But it happens: it is ready, and you slow down or you do not notice it. Or do you think that she is not ready yet. So much better to learn to take the phone at any opportune moment. (Do not care for her willingness!) And do not have thin calculations. Still nothing happens. It is generally accepted to take the phone at the peak of emotion. And many try to calculate this peak. It is not necessary. Take it when you want!
What if it does not give your phone number?
There are clinical cases, very funny. She likes you madly, and the phone it still does not. This is understandable, its strategy of females - males filtering - works. How to get the phone number of the girl? looking beautiful doge, persevere and show that you are - a decent buck!
Dialogue girl with a guy after sex
"You half-hour refused to give me the phone. Why?
Wow, I was broken and the sake of decency.
In no event Do not push a girl and not solicit the phone. Show her that her refusal to you especially do not care, and translate the conversation in another direction. Talk to her a little more, interested in her, then again, gently return to the question about the phone. It is important to be persistent, but do not push her to feel relatively safe. Otherwise it will run away from you, so you would not get, or give the left room, which is not better.
She must think she has the opportunity to refuse. Carry on with her conversation about anything. Surprise her several times. Interested in her as a male. Again, go back to the question about the phone. Warning: Sometimes it can be awkward to give you a phone. Perhaps she has a lover, or her - a serious work, and thou shalt call his very inappropriate. Or is it - a superstar in show business. Would be inconvenient if you call when the next will be her elderly sponsor.
Therefore, if you see that much interested in her as a man can give her his phone number. NO. We agreed with her in advance of the event, going to the movies or a bar. And raise for exact day and approximate time at which it will call you. Show that you are ready to communicate with her and you will be glad to take it like a man.
If the phone to get all the same failed and interest in you it is not so, to call itself, there is a great way that is most often used with the staff of companies in which you go, or restaurants, where you sometimes. Your task: find a girl that you liked her when she finishes working day. And if you preview it interested, then you can say to her: "Today I still going to the end of your shift."
At the end of a shift you can go and say: "Hi, Katya, I came for you." Do not hesitate to staff who work with her, you have come as a friend, not as a visitor. And no one noticed, and if they notice - it is not their business! Feel free to take her hand and lead into the adjacent cafe, and then - in another quiet place where you like to be. If you met her on the street, you can ask her where she works, by whom and how her name. Call-in help, and endeavor to find her firm, and then its on us. Such a method too. True, I never used them: too much effort to find someone in Moscow! But it works well in small towns.
The method of "shifting the focus of attention and neglect of NO
Girls often show sympathy, but do not give your phone. You sit there with her. Decently vorkuesh, touch her, everything is fine, but you have to go. You say: "Let's phone, taking a mobile, but she was there:" We-ell. I do not know ... no-ee ... "In this case, the right to act by shifting its focus of attention and neglect NO. You cut her "no", so as you can see that now to be refused. And in fact it is you have not denied - did not have time.
And pretending that you did not notice, say, as if continuing one of those institutions, leading to her: "By the way, and my friend was also organic, which led the professor liked to look at the audience, and you know what she was doing ..." . Surges emotion that only it was not cool distraction from the topic. The phone in your hand and you like hanging in suspense. What's happening? Diverting her attention, you make her forget that she, for some reason you wanted to refuse, intrigues her even more fascinated her stronger, and after you come back again to the issue, she'll write the phone. If we again heard: "No" - please use the technology shift the focus of attention and neglect again.