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How to get to know if the girl in the company

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How to get to know if the girl in the company?

Many used to think that a girl can zakadrit only if you get acquainted with her one on one (or if you are - one, and she - with a girlfriend). You have no idea how many opportunities lost, many due to the fact that they are not suited to the girls in the company of guys. You have no idea what I'm now open. I'll tell you what he knows only a few people. This may shock you. Are you ready? It turns out, attract attention of the person in the company of people much easier than the one on one. Did not expect, right? HA!

I also thought that a group of people to involve far more complex than the individual. But this is not true. It is not so! The reason lies in the fact that a man surrounded by friends feels safe. And when a girl, she is alert and its protection can block a lot of what you're doing. In addition, she bother about how society would react to her behavior as a look at the people around her, judge her. The company she does not feel these fears.
 The company provides protection, and people in its environment is relaxing. His defense is minimal. It does not, so it is very easy to get acquainted with the girls in the company of guys - it's, excuse me, a freebie. She completely trusts her boyfriend, she feels protected by someone from them, and you need to use it. Where? In the bars, clubs, at parties, on the street, wherever there is a crowd of people. You need to know how to attract a group of people. In these places friends come to revel and relax as it should. And very rarely do you find a man there, who all alone. The fact that the company - a very powerful resource. It is only important to know how to use it. Ordinary company consists of:

-Your goal: a girl who you really like;

-Your interference;

-Your allies.

How to get to know if the girl in the company? " The first rule, which is important to keep in mind: do not attract your target first. Why? Resistance, which occurs in your goals, maintain a thousandfold all her friends. The result - a default! That's why the most important thing for you - to attract the attention of those people who can stop you. (This is any of my friends. Any member of the company!) From interference do helpers. For starters, when you start to speak, refers only to those who listen to you and respond positively to you. Then you have to acquire the allies.

Then, together with allies you can neutralize the interference. Either ignoring them or something else, depends on the situation. Never try to please those who are a hindrance. Just put them in the ignore. Suppose the group consists of 2 persons. You must then bring a goal, but an obstacle: a boyfriend or girlfriend, business partner, mom or dad his lady. Your goal - first and foremost to charm that person. Then this obstacle will be your helper. If a group of 3 or more people? Then what will you do?

That's right: we must "discover" any member of the group, but not its purpose. Of course, the more effectively - to open and bring the group leader. If he supports you, you gain the trust and support of the group automatically. And then you can safely "open" your target. Group leader is the one to which all listened to a speech in front of which all fall silent, the reaction of which is constantly looking towards the opinion that listens very carefully. But the leader does not necessarily determine. In the communication is usually enough to "discover" any person in this group, and you thereby zainteresuesh leader who, perhaps, you "will" myself, so how do you - a new member of the group.

Now imagine, if you are attracted to the company of people, all they look at you, they like you. And you already like your goal only due to the fact that you - the most desirable man in the company. In fact, in order to seduce the girl in the group, you need to lure the group itself. And it's easier, because usually people like cool guys. A frame is then given a neutral - a frame of communication.

When your goal - it's the most beautiful girl in the group of her friends, a girlfriend, to whom you come, you will respond to very positively. Why? They have to compete with the most beautiful girl in the group for male attention. Usually it goes to the most beautiful, and suddenly got is not the most beautiful. Naturally, the girlfriend will revel in this feeling of victory and catch the buzz. And she herself had his triumph did not really understand. This can happen on her completely unconscious level, but, mind you, some still are aware of the cause.

Algorithm Action Group

1.Nayti suitable group of people.

2.Opredelit goal.

3.Opredelit interference (who most might bother you).

4.Opredelit leader.

5.Privlech attention to the leader, and interference.

6.Dobitsya acceptance into the group.

7. Open your goal.

An example of "best friends"

This technique works when the company two or more girls. Very cool way that makes them interesting to each other and their relationships.

You begin:

-I wonder how long you know each other?

Blah blah blah ...

-I knew it.


-We will show ... and better carry out the test, the best friend you ...

Here the girls became very interested, they love tests.

-Good (pretend that he was going to ask them a serious question) ... you use the same shampoo?

They look at each other, then going to respond.

-Enough. The answer is not important. You have already passed the test ...


-You know, if you did not know each other well enough, during the response you would have saved me eye contact. And when two people have a connection, they first look at each other. So, as you have done just that.

Girls laugh.

-See? You do not even need to say anything. You communicate telepathically.

Then you can talk about anything. Often the girls start talking about how they met. If one of the girls looked at the other before we can say that it is not a leader in the relationship (could be a good negative). One might ask, kissing someone of them to the guy with whom the other, etc. A very cool routine!

In many cases, to get acquainted with the girl in the group of people simply because of her reduced protective barriers. In order to get acquainted with the girl in the company, you need to get acquainted with the company itself, not paying attention to the girl. And then she'd be happy if you start talking to her, and not otoshet you because you've liked her surroundings. So when you approach the two friends, to approach the less beautiful, in order to later seduce her girlfriend!
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