How to give birth and raise a child genius?
If you do decide to bet on a gifted child, let me share with you the latest data from the psychology of creativity. High intellect itself is a capital which provides the child a higher chance of success in adult life. In recent years, psychologists have introduced the concept of social or practical intelligence, which helps address issues of personal choice, moral behavior, and aesthetic preferences. Who says the first impetus to a successful children's development? That contributes to the rapid development of the intellect? Can a combination of figures or their caregivers tactics significantly enhance the chances of success? And whose it will be a success - a child or a parent? How to give birth and raise a child genius?
"Maternal effect." Investigations usually fix a particular impact on the mother's successful intellectual development of children. This is due to their greater emotional closeness to their children. High activity of the father may lead to suppression or reduction of motivation to achieve the child. However, the repressor may be the mother, especially for girls. In some families, girls are subjected to derogatory criticism from their mothers, and in the future, not only do not realize their capabilities, but they can not build a personal life. Sometimes parents are truly gifted child call asking them to check it for schizophrenia: the behavior of gifted children is specific to them is not easy to communicate. On the other hand, bursting obsessive mother in full confidence that they have given birth to a genius, the new messiah. I call this behavior "complex of the Virgin Mary."

The fruits of paternal care. The authority of the father - stimulating and fatal factor in the development of intelligence of children. Perhaps this fact - one of the keys to understanding the serious psychological problems geeks. All of them grew up under the pressure of very high intellectual requirements (it is read in the biographies of Mozart, the American mathematician Norbert Wiener). Father's demands, on the one hand, encourage active employment and the growth of competence in children. On the other, they form a specific, focused type of person with an unusually high claims, the collapse of which leads to self-deprecating attitude, according to the achievement of the promotion of adult authority. And only sometimes kids can get away from the dictates of their fathers, and to continue to live independently. Example of this is the fate of a young pianist Polina Ossetia.
She was alone, the last of three sisters who were pleased with his ambitious father, he had given thanks to the efforts of stunning scenic success in 10 years. In 14 years, at the peak of success when it was signed a big contract with the Americans, Pauline fled from his father and never worked with him. 15 years they had not seen. The reason - excessive demands, abuse of the girl, the desire to squeeze out even more impressive results. Pauline, in contrast to the other, broken geeks, concerts today. But fathers do not have to play a sinister role in the development of their children. In the normal scenario, they lay positive patterns of behavior, level of motivation and achievement.
The role of grandmothers in raising genius. recorded significant differences in the level of intelligence in those children in the education of whom attended her grandmother, and guardianship of supporting them, and those who have such an opportunity was not there. Results in favor of grandparents! Russian grandmother - is a special phenomenon: they are so large quantities and with such love talking with my grandchildren! The duration of time spent together not only significantly increases the level of intelligence in children, but also, as shown by gerontologists, prolongs life grandmothers! Communicating with grandmother - a kingdom of emotional freedom and full self-confidence, which is important for creativity. Grandmother gives the child an opportunity to express themselves more freely, raise self-esteem, expand choice and use of a much larger repertoire of emotional rewards, thus compensating for possible punishment by parents.
Alchemy Mining Success
Researchers have been trying to figure out which of the factors is most important and decisive in the development of intelligence. For example, it is known that the older the parents, the higher the intelligence of children. However, analysis of one hundred biographies of prominent people shows that "senior parent" should be an average of 29 years of age (the mother) or 36-year-old (father). The Americans beat the alarm about the aging family. When primiparous mothers over forty, there is concern for the physical health of children. By the way, good nutrition and adequate attention to itself is a major prerequisite for the successful development of children's abilities. Intelligent Acceleration follows the physical one.
For example, in Japan was marked by rapid growth in average IQ of schoolchildren in the postwar period, when the country was rising living standards and improve education. In our country, such studies have been conducted, but it is obvious that after the war greatly changed the intellectual climate in the country, which allowed us to become the first space power. Intelligence is higher in families with fewer children. With increasing atomic number of the child reduces his level of intelligence. Advantage in the development of most older children. Is considered an ideal family with three children, the age difference between them - 5-6 years.
According to the theory of fatigue in cancer "level of intelligence and quality of other inclinations is reduced if the birth is followed one after the other. International studies have shown A. Zayontsa the example of developed countries, more children in the family, the lower level of intelligence, each of them. Seems to be working yet and the mechanism of averaging, when in large groups the ability of each are not amplified, and offset. As the number of family members the main concern of parents is not the upbringing and development of children's talents and management motley gang, it's easier to do if you teach children to behave in the same standard.
Myth or recipe?
Passionate desire of parents to understand how to give birth and raise a genius child, must take account of heredity as a foundation for the development of intelligence. The American psychologist E. Erickson argues that the geeks - it's just a myth: everyone is equal before nature, you only need to work well. It seems to me that the real genius - is a gift of nature. For every child prodigy can find an example, when a quite ordinary children grow up genius: Einstein, Van Gogh, Wagner, Pushkin ... Academician Zel'dovich did not have higher education. Founder «Microsoft» Bill Gates - the most mediocre student in school, never finished a program at Harvard University (retired with the fourth year). This does not prevent him to invest heavily in education programs and competitions for gifted children. From domestic oligarchs no one was a prodigy among the winners of contests was seen except that Oleg Deripaska. Scenarios for success - a relative or a stunning - very much, perhaps only the most terrible exploitation of children is related to ability.
The heritability of intelligence varies from 40% to 80% - it is very high. However, there are some patterns. Established that the heritability largely determines only the basic level of intelligence and a much lesser extent - the special abilities. Good relationships with their parents to a greater extent to help children of so-called humanitarian endowments than mathematicians and chess players. Success in life, career are not always associated with intellectual achievement. Many other factors play an important role in the implementation of great ideas. High adaptability of successful people is adequate to use as features of the situation and resources of the personality.