How to give your child what is life?
Children tend to live in a world of parental interpretations world, which tell them to adults. Feature of traditional Russian education is, in particular, that in conversations with children, we voiced mostly negative images of the world, which are an integral part of punishment. Such is the power of Russian folk tales. "Do not drink from the well, will become a kid!" The choices we provide to our children is limited to three options (left to right ... go go go ... right ... "). First and foremost, we provide ways that are accompanied by punishment. And life is like for children a perilous journey in which at least two of the three options for ending a bad thing. It is full of fear and danger. Better and safer not to move anywhere.
Modern books Grigory Oster on bad advice, it seems designed to turn the world of children, teach them the irony in relation to parental prohibitions, shows in what a ridiculous and even stupid world we live in:
If you are caught by mom
For the things you love yours,
For example, for drawing
In the hallway on the wallpaper,
Explain to her that it was
Your surprise to the eighth of March.
Called a pattern:
Dear mommy portrait.
But since we fall into another extreme: disorienting our children, minimizing the problems and dangers that they really have to face. Our country is too strong and the other, entertaining literary tradition, designed to amuse, to divert attention from the real-life baby, dip it into the world of beautiful dreams that have little relation to the complex reality. Both extremes of the Russian education "everything is permitted" and "everything is forbidden" lead to one conclusion: "All the bad end." We or frighten children, or offer them nothing to think about.
How to give your child what is life? world requires us to inventions of new ways to prevent and fencing of our kids from the new dangers, as well as the ability to cope with them. It is a constantly evolving technology of life, review our own attitudes and adaptation are important for our views to the rapidly changing life. How do we live? How do we manage to comment on what's happening in the life of the baby? Children are sure that adults know all the answers. They feel secure while we are quietly looking into their eyes and are ready to answer any questions.
What we do know about life?
Whether we like it or not, but every day, answering questions from children, we form the image of the world scenario, experiences, fears, delights, failures, and desires. They will influence the decisions of happiness or dissatisfaction of life in children when they grow up. When a child is before us, we need to understand and remember the following:
• What does he know about life? - Pictures, words, stories, fairy tales, which it operates.
• What's he saying? - Children's interpretation, reasoning that he sees how he evaluates the behavior of their parents, friends and neighbors.
• What is he doing? "- How these interpretations affect the child's behavior.
Why he does not, as we teach?
Before teaching their children life, it would be nice to learn how to begin to realize their own ideas about life.
Enough to conduct a rapid survey among my friends, asking: "What is life?" - And you will discover how the great variety of such definitions. These are the scenarios of life that we choose ourselves and children. About them, we tell our children!
Global definition of life
Life - a big and difficult road.
Life - a change of black and white stripes.
God's will.
Big way.
The struggle for existence.
Pessimistic, warning, grim determination of life
Life - is a heavy cross.
Live life - not a field.
Life - a confrontation of death.
Hedonistic definition of life
Life - a song.
Life - a joy.
Life - love. As long as there is love, life goes on.
Tranquil lake.
This is an occasion for pleasure.
Dynamic definition of life
Contemplative aesthetic, impressionistic definition of life
Life - a beauty.
Starry sky.
Figment of imagination.
Life - a big beautiful bouquet, which many different colors.
Life - a tunnel with the light only at the end.
Determine the value of life
Harmonious union.
Love and serve people.
Mandatory definition of life, showing how to behave
The result of our own efforts.
Game of chance.
Relationships with others (family and friends).
Know yourself?
These definitions, which we casually toss, asked the general attitude of the child for life, his expectations and anxiety. They will influence the adoption of the most fateful decisions of your son or daughter. Be careful!