How to grow a man-genius?
What the ladies do not want to see next to a man of genius? Personally, I do not know these women, and if they exist in nature, this is the case when exceptions only prove the rule. At heart, every woman dreams that her side was an exceptional man. What is meant by exclusivity? If the athlete, the holder of at least several Olympic medals, preferably gold (okay, and silver, in principle, agree), if a politician is really the president, no less (at the very least - the prime minister or foreign ambassador). If a businessman - the oligarchs, if an artist or writer - then necessarily a world-renowned, well at least one of the most-most in the country, if military, General (or Admiral, or whoever). If a scientist, the creator of the project, the Nobel Prize, when race car driver, the winner of Paris-Dakar rally. Well, we are with you in my dreams flew away somewhere just to give sky-high (though they always have to strive for the highest bracket!), And yet grow as a man of genius?
And anyway, where are the geniuses, the champions and the winners? It is clear that exceptional ability in the full sense of the word have very few representatives of the male species, would otherwise not considered exceptional. Therefore, a real chance to get such a clever fellow to my pets do not quite great. But do not worry ahead of time: not yet known, it is good or punishment. Read at least the history of the lives of great men: as a rule, the vast majority have different quirks in the character and general weirdo, I say this with all due respect to their talents and merits. Yes, and so become conceited "pet" can be very fast, and conceited, would not put his mistress into anything. You need this? Especially around the full male, with really good instincts in order to achieve something in this life. So that the space for search is, the energy, strength and desire, I think, too. Since we have already found, or at least I had noticed for a "pet", say some of the ladies. That's fine, but if you aim for the genius and the less strongly disagree, it would be nice to consider one more nuance.
To raise a dog champion, first you need to select the best puppy of all litter. With men the situation is similar. You yourself know that because not too good products can not at all desire to make a tasty and healthy dish. And from the pathologically lazy, it is lack of initiative and frankly it is impossible to grow bleary-eyed men of genius. However, the situation here is simpler than with dogs. Firstly, you are unlikely to seriously and permanently interested in males, possessing the above qualities. Secondly, unlike the situation with animal selection criteria are not so tough, because each person usually has his talent.
Where to start?
The first thing you should do is to instill in their two-legged pet's belief that he must succeed. Yes, men are arranged so that they always need to stand up and cheer, but to go against nature - is like spitting against the wind. Therefore, closely monitor the progress of his "pet". Would be nice to even their record in a specially designated for this purpose notebooks, even better - on the poster impressive size, because the visual stimulus has a tremendous force of impact. Your home "pet" will perform self-confidence and imbued with even greater adoration of his mistress, just a wonderful woman who so carefully records his achievements. A little advice: first fix even minor stuff, and then, when reflex "I am the best - I will succeed" rather entrenched - only more or less significant achievements to your "pet" had an incentive to seek another office, stars, awards, awards, medals, titles, etc. etc.
Goals should be clearly defined, remember? What does this mean? First, you need to help your pet to make a list of what he wants. Hold this event without him strongly not advise it, because he might decide that since its owner, such an initiative and active, then let herself only and is seeking, and you have decided to reap the fruits of genius, "pet" and not to treat the fruits of their own. In addition, two-legged pet compares favorably with the four-footed by the fact that not only understands human language (even if sometimes it is hard to believe!), But also endowed with the ability to communicate on it. So, can submit their proposals, which are sometimes quite valuable. In general, when defining the goals we should not forget the commitment of representatives of the male species to lead anywhere and everywhere. Even if you came up with a brilliant idea, really hard to slightly palter and attributed its emergence abilities of your "pet"? Let him think that his mistress and is not involved in the process, and just sitting beside him and eagerly waits for the brilliant insights of the mind. A simple affair, and the benefits great, and we're already talking about it.
When goals are formulated, it is necessary to arrange them in order of execution. And when this task is fulfilled, consider ways to achieve them and write a detailed plan . That's write, since plans for the words almost cost nothing: out of memory will always be fly some items, and it is possible that it is very important. Each significant point is divided into many more sub-prime, which corresponds to the principle of training, which consists in the fact that we must gradually complicate the task. For example, you want your pet wrote a dissertation. So, stick in his hand a stack of paper and a pen or chained to a computer, and then commanded: "Work"? Of course not.
First, we need to formulate a topic be about content, collect stuff ... Although, he will cope without you, after all, who is the creator of the immortal work? However, see to it how to perform these tasks, it is useful. Just do not require perfect results in the shortest possible time, because overuse can cause a denial of employment or peredressirovku. This phenomenon is extremely unpleasant, but because neither your "pet", or you absolutely do not need. To avoid it, let's pet the opportunity to relax. A possible implementation of certain strategic objectives determined on the basis primarily of the peculiarities of his temperament, not his. It is unlikely that he, being a phlegmatic, able to work in the same rapid pace as you, if you choleric, but they really do everything thoroughly, believe me.
Next, you need to create for your pet as comfortable working conditions. Thus it is necessary to exclude all extraneous, distracting stimuli. These roles can successfully perform, for example, a delicious dinner (and diet must be observed), a TV in the room (the hand all the time will not help to stretch to the panel), adored mistress in the Nude (all the time!), Etc. We also strongly advise you to tuck in hidden folders Poker, Solitaire and other games. His beloved say that accidentally delete them, and ourselves to play when you want, you know where they are. Generally a good idea to equip an office, if the size of your territory cohabitation permit, or at least a working area.
And the last thing I want to say in connection with the "growing" men of genius. You should not break so long created a working mood, flying into the room where the sweat of your labor pet with a statement like: "The crane once flowed, bolt flew off, the door blows out, the cabinet knob fell off, and so on." If no crash occurred worldwide, flood or fire in an apartment, do not distract your pet from work for nothing. Ill-fated crane in the end and then you can fix, and that such a valve in the light of future developments of your genius? And that he has a lot to reach, being close to a patient, understanding and truly believing in it a woman, I personally have no doubt!