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How to help a child in violation of the communication

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How to help a child in violation of the communication?

Child with communication disorders and disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere, does not acquire a diverse and flexible ways to adapt to the world and interact with people around him. The world becomes for him a frightening and dangerous. As a result, he avoids contact with the environment and people or adapted by stereotyped behavior (in this case under the stereotype we mean those forms of behavior that the child is constantly reproduced in various situations - it can be any child of the selected action or system action). Because of the special mental organization is looking for a child available for him behavior stamps and special forms of increasing mental activity, ie toning. Toning, in particular, can be achieved autostimulyatsiey within the stereotype.

When we try to intervene in the life of a child, getting him to interact with the environment and people, without regard or understanding of its features (start to break patterns of behavior, to impose a variety of contacts, limit autostimulyatsiyu without offering anything in return, or enter a child in the notoriously inaccessible and incomprehensible forms of action), there are maladaptive behaviors: aggression, self-injury, fear, anxiety, negativism, "groundless" excitability and foolish, the reluctance to use the speech to contacts (selective mutism), etc.

It should be noted that many closed, unsociable, stubborn, aggressive child does not show the primary disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere. What's the matter? The fact that these children have a particular development, especially the formation of higher mental functions, which require the construction of special formative environment. When adults do not understand it, the child increased demands, which leads to the emergence of a variety of ways to protect against others, breach of communion, the appearance of pathological forms of behavior. To avoid all this, it is important to create an atmosphere for the child's security and trust, enable him to reveal himself as a person. May be necessary to remove the excessive dependence on the adult or, conversely, attempt to contact, enter the world of the child and for him to become a connecting link with the outside world.

How to help a child in violation of the communication? first challenge - to change the image of an adult in the eyes of a child, to remove negative attitudes in the adult as a person who "all the time and interferes with something requires." The shape of the first contact, the nature of the activity exhibited by an adult, depending on the severity of communication disorders, the degree of closeness of the child to the world. However, for ourselves, we can identify the basic principle: we must act so that the child wanted to come to us again.

Should say a few words about overcoming negative attitudes to employment, games, reading books. Organizing, establishing contact, in any case not to begin engagement with the child with those activities to which he had formed a negative attitude. When contact with him adjusted, when he begins to trust us, we very carefully, gently introduce him to a training situation, choosing the most interesting for him lessons.

By establishing a contact, you must be very sensitive and attentive to see how comfortable and happy feeling child. For teachers there are the main dangers: the possibility of incorrectly identifying the child, trying to establish contact with him in the "nonexistent" for his activities. Interacting with the child in training sessions should be considered peculiar to the child pace and rhythm of activity, ie can not be rushed or to detain him in the performance of some tasks. This may be painful for him, or lead to satiation. Establishing contact, we try not to be an active party, not to violate the natural course of events for the child.

Primary interaction with the child

Try to describe the different ways of interacting with the child depending on their behavior, which he demonstrated at the beginning of our acquaintance with him.

"Field" behavior

Children with a "field" behavior - these are children, whose attention is attracted by everything around, but they may not focus on anything. The task of the teacher - "enter into the field" of the child. The child may have to move indoors for long lingering near his subjects are interesting. In this case, an adult, by contrast, has become the most passive to become like one of the pieces of furniture on which the child can pay attention to (otherwise it would be to avoid contact). A child may come to you, climb up on his knees, take your hand and take it to a certain subject. Gradually, he becomes accustomed to the face, hands, voice teacher. It is important for sensing changes to show a counter-reaction, which must be emotionally colored.

Stereotyped behavior

Children of a coordinating their behavior based on stereotypes, which have their own rhythm of life, actively divest any outside interference, as it leads to breaking of the system generated behavior. Such a break-up is terrible for a child, and he tries to protect itself from invasion - there are aggression, self-injury, generalized arousal. In this case, contacting the teacher should build on existing child stereotypes. It is not necessary to "break" his ritual. We take the basis that like a child, gives him pleasure and set the rhythm of the changing of classes: for example, begins training with treats: apples, candy, cookies, and then playing with the water, swings, and then again sweets etc.

It is important to avoid drunkenness, exhaustion from classes, ie need time to switch a child from one activity to another, to remind of something pleasant for him. Thus, as an adult would be included in the stereotypes of the child, and then gradually separated from its rhythm and makes sense in its mechanical action: not just pour the water, but do rain or water mill, not just reeling, and going by train, subway, apple not just eat, but still treats the bear.

Violent behavior

Often there are children with aggressive behaviors. Where to start in this case? When first confronted with such a child, it seems that he can not hear you. He was very agitated, could always say something. When a teacher tries to get his attention, the child becomes aggressive stings, bites, spits, rolls his tantrum. Then we try to build contacts in the interests of the child's fantasy. As in the previous case, including games and fantasy of the child, we try to bring them meaning, not to be passive role imposed on us artists. However, from the outset, you must install a child beyond the limits and never allow these boundaries to move.


Sometimes children will demonstrate familiarity with the manifestations of the rejection of any activity, a reluctance to do anything, joining in verbal communication, while in familiar surroundings all this is not a problem for them. Sometimes even at the first lesson, we are able to "talk" of the child, who, according to mom, in nedomashney situation with no one speaking, or to divert a child who never lets go of my mother into another room to play with water and paint. In other cases, we have to work long, sometimes up to six months, the child spoke. If fast deal fails, the problem can be solved only on the individual studies.
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