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How to help children survive their parents separation

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How to help children survive their parents' separation?

After a divorce, most fathers disappear from the horizon, at best, paying minimal child support. Tell the child in such a situation: "Daddy loves you" - is not necessary. Much more honest and useful to say: "Now we live together (three of them ...) And I need your (your) support." Create confidence in a good run, even in such a small family is a must. Despite the fact that you are very unsure, you cope with this difficult situation, it is necessary to instill confidence to children: "I will never, under any circumstances, you (you) will not give up. We will do it because we're together. " Divorce - it's just an occasion for even greater family cohesion.

During the divorce suffer self-esteem for all participants in the drama, especially for those who had been abandoned. Children are always in the position of losers. They need rehabilitation and psychological doping. Praise and encourages the child in all his endeavors. If the child still does not know how to ride a bicycle, roller skate, swim, it's time to teach him this. Not confined within your home. Get a pet often go to visit, to the movies, play more with their children. Your offspring should feel that what happened in the family change is not pummeling their lives, not accompanied by the endless troubles. This is a necessary measure to eventually established and family life became better.

There are some common questions that kids want to hear the answers and return to them repeatedly, demanding evidence: "Why have divorced parents? Who's bad? Why others do not get divorced? "These issues relate to the complex of guilt in children. Divorce is regarded by them as a form of punishment. The logic they have is this: someone is guilty, he was removed from the field, so to speak, put into a corner. This is one of the family members. Mom? Dad? I? It is clear that in case of fault of the child, anger all come down on him. How to help children survive their parents' separation? continually repeat it:
-No one to blame.

"When people understand that it is difficult to live together under one roof, they are leaving. You've got too do not all get to be friends.

-Sometimes people do not agree the characters and decide to part.

A useful lesson that children should learn by the example of their parents, is that there is such a thing as compatibility. It covers the entire culture and nature. Do not mix green and red, do not live in one house wolves and lambs, do not play hopscotch Baba ezhki and Ivana-Prince. Pay attention to children and to speculate as to why Nick and Peter are friends? Maybe it's because they live together? Or maybe because one likes to eat, there's a well-fed, while the other has nowhere to go deep pockets of candy and cookies? Or maybe because their parents had once introduced, and so it became the custom. Do not be lazy to argue with your child about relationships between people. Children are very interested in this. They are curious and fun to overhear the conversations of adults about what they know and think about other people. Why? Because each of them is waiting and a little afraid of big adult life. And it's important to tell your child:

-Life is not only scary, but interesting! You can not imagine how many more adventures waiting for us ahead!

"We and dad divorced. But in your life, nothing bad will happen. You're going to walk in the same garden and play with the same children. But now we have become increasingly come together.

Do not hold back when a family problem that the child may perceive as their own grief that he has to survive alone. We need to understand herself and let them know a child that despite the worsening financial situation, quality of relationships in the family itself, only better. You just have to gain strength and pass this step dostoyno.Esli you do not manage, and next will not be friends or relatives who would help you, the situation in the family will be frankly deteriorate. And after a few years, despite the fact that you and so got through life, you can get the reproaches of his children: "There was no need to throw his father. With his father was better. Own fault. " The worst thing in a woman's life is still not a psychological loss of a husband, and the loss of emotional connection with children.
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