How to help their employees in stressful situations
Stress - one of those categories, which causes the greatest amount of controversy in modern psychology and medicine. The whole point is that stress can lead to both negative and positive consequences, and this border to be difficult. One would leave the decision of the contentious issues at the mercy of scientists, if not for the fact that stress, whether we like it or not, have to face every day. Because of this, do not go away, it is necessary not to be vulnerable, learn to manage stress. How can we help our employees in stressful situations? " The best solution to the problems will help staff psychologist, whose tasks include prevention and stress among staff. Maybe you should not argue with the fact that not every company can afford to have a staff psychologist, but the situation is gradually changing in the direction that an increasing number of domestic companies introduce their staffing levels in this unit. There is a positive trend.
If earlier still, the question arises, why is it needed, but now we hear less and less - there is awareness of the practical importance of this specialist. In practice, forms of work stress may be different. But a leading position in this list is a point the work of psychologists - Psychologist - employee ", as in this case it is possible to achieve fairly significant results, despite the complexity and duration of the process. If you, as manager of personnel management, set out to create a system of prevention and stress management, the best option, as a staff psychologist, not invent. The so-called "pocket version of a psychologist, will keep in good condition the level of stress for all staff. But note that the first time (about a few months), the staff will get used to a psychologist, and not directly to him line up in long lines praying for help. Inevitable period of adjustment, which will give staff awareness of privacy talk with a psychologist and a real opportunity to get relief of stress.
In addition to the staff psychologist there are other methods of prevention, but as soon as the reservation that their effectiveness will be much lower than the first option. First of all, it's recreation room or as it is increasingly being recently called relaxation room. Its practical value is to take the pressure off the employee during the day. Even distracted by fifteen, twenty minutes from work, he will be able to restore their working capacity, and with a vengeance to get started. As shown by field studies, recreation room more than half of relieving stress, not allowing him to move into the chronic - cumulative form. The room looks like a small room in the office, it should be a subdued light, perhaps with a fountain, flowers and quiet soothing music, always with comfortable seating. Of course, unambiguous recommendations on how to arrange this room there - it is determined at the discretion of management and depends on the financial capacity of the organization. The only thing that must be met, so this is that the room was created a relaxing and comfortable environment. Recreation room will allow your staff throughout the day escape from work, without leaving the office.
Of course, in practice the methods of managing stress enough - this is a special design space, and flowers, and much more. In order to more clearly define the methods by which you may find it easier to cope with stress, you can read specialized literature or to consult a psychologist. The organization itself has already pledged to it in the first potential combat stress. As practice shows, the staff of companies with powerful and advanced corporate culture, are less prone to stress. The whole point is that corporate culture is, by itself, blocks the stress of staff by creating a sense of belonging to a common cause of the organization. When the staff is aware of his place in the company's participation in the achievement of common goals, as well as commonality with other employees, the effect of many stressors or totally blocked or significantly reduced. Development of corporate culture is a necessity, which has a large number of practical outputs, including stress resistance and increased personnel. Another equally important aspect of stress is that it is vital for humans. If there is no stress, it leads to approximately the same consequences which arise in its excess. Should find a middle ground - the point at which the stress level is best suited for your company.