How to identify the evil eye
Lest you get confused, I give you the evil eye signs.
Signs of the Evil Eye
1.Nedomoganie, weakness, heavy feeling in the whole body, which is hardly your subject. Collapse.
2.Golovnye pain, dizziness, sudden pressure surges, unexpected bleeding from the nose, chills, colds, warts, blood does not stop long, long time does not heal wounds, an eyesore, dental pain, watery eyes, teeth crumble.
3.Bessonnitsa or, conversely, severe drowsiness, yawning worries.
4.Propadaet appetite for such a man, or he, by contrast, is experiencing a constant feeling of hunger, satiety.
5.Razdrazhenie. If you are a victim of the evil eye, then it will seem that everything around us tend to ruin your already bad mood.
6.Vrazhda and hate your neighbor, sterility, sexual impotence.
7.Sglazhenny person begins to fear the light of the sun. He only good in the dark, especially at midnight (the beginning of the devil).